What is a manometer, what does it do, what does it measure?

What is a manometer, what does it do, what does it measure?

Even if we do not know the manometer as a name, we may have used it once in our life. Because, there is a manometer at the beginning of any pipeline that passes liquid. If you do not know, in this content, we will answer the question of what is a manometer and what is it for. The manometer, which we will definitely use at a certain moment of our lives, sometimes prevents dangers and saves our lives.

If you are interested in plumbing or pipelines in terms of density, you should know what a manometer is. We will examine what the manometer, which plays a big role in our pressure measurement, measures, the types of manometers and many more in this content. If you wish, let’s answer the questions of what a manometer is, what it measures and where it is used.


What is a manometer?
What does the manometer do?
What does the manometer measure?
Where is the manometer used?
Central system boilers
boiler rooms
medical industry
car tires
Difference between manometer and barometer

First, what is a manometer?

Let’s start with the most basic question, what is a manometer? The manometer is the device that plays a major role in measuring the pressure, especially in pipelines. This device, which allows us to measure all pipe pressure regardless of gas, water, liquid, has an indicator in the form of pressure lines. The manometer plays a major role in early detection of any excess pressure that may occur in pipelines, regardless of liquid or gas, and quickly preventing it.

However, manometers are also often used in laboratories. In order to reveal the air pressure in a liquid column, you can use a manometer in your experiment.

What does the manometer do?

The manometer is usually connected to the main boiler of fairly large pipelines. In this way, you can adjust the pressure ratio on the line and control it instantly. However, on the occupational safety side, the manometer plays a very important role. In other words, in case of excessive pressure that may occur, the manometer, which allows the personnel to notice this early, allows you to prevent any loss of property and life that may occur.

The manometer actually has a working style based on Pascal’s principles. The U-shaped pipe in the manometer can be shortened according to the pressure and can be extended at the same time. This plays a big role in measuring the pressure ratio. In the area where the pipe is connected, there is a joint system. Thanks to this joint system, the pressure is measured and reflected on the manometer.

What does the manometer measure?

The manometer measures the pressure ratio, regardless of the liquid or gas in the vessel or line it is measuring. For example, imagine you are at the head of a large water pipeline. Thanks to the manometer attached to this pipeline, you can see how much pressure the water circulating between the pipes has. However, you can also control the instantaneous pressure rises in the pipeline via the manometer.

Where is the manometer used?

The manometer may actually be used in quite a few areas today. For example, you can find a manometer at the beginning of the lines in the boiler room of your current home. However, if you work in a hospital, you can find a manometer on the air tubes. In fact, you may encounter a manometer on the devices that measure blood pressure. However, the manometer is also widely used in industry and industry sectors. For example, if you are in the industry, it is possible to come across a manometer to measure the pressure on the compressors in any business.

Central system boilers

The most important of the areas where the manometer is used is the central system boilers. Central system boilers in our apartments, workplaces and many other places undertake a great task, even if we do not feel it. The manometer, on the other hand, is used to measure the pressure in the central system boilers and to prevent possible accidents.

boiler rooms

In our homes or workplaces, there are definitely manometers in boiler rooms that allow us to heat. You know that boiler rooms have many systems operating at high temperatures, and a manometer is absolutely necessary to measure the pressure of a system with this temperature. Otherwise, in case of excessive pressure, the hot water in the boiler room may cause danger to life and property as a result of explosion.

medical industry

Let’s come to the importance of manometer in the health sector. The manometer is located at the top of the air tubes, which we can often see in hospitals and which we can supply ourselves. In this way, the air pressure given to the patient who needs treatment is adjusted and given by the necessary personnel. Excess air pressure given without pressure control may cause irreversible bad results in the patient exposed to that pressure. Another area of ​​use is manometers in blood tubes.


Perhaps one of the areas where the use of manometers is most common is industries. If you have been in an industrial environment before, you must have a manometer at some point in your life. Compressor devices, high-pressure presses and many machines that we will not think of yet have manometers. These manometers prevent all work accidents that may occur due to pressure. In fact, you can see that the devices exposed to excessive pressure in the industrial zone automatically discharge the pressure inside them without the need for any humanitarian assistance.

car tires

If you own a car, you must have measured your pressure with a manometer on a digital or analog display while inflating your tire. The “32” value, which you always try to match while inflating your car’s tire, is actually measured by a manometer. As we said before, the manometer is found in almost every aspect of our lives.

Difference between manometer and barometer:

Although their working principles are similar, the manometer and barometer measure different things. As we said above, the manometer plays a very important role in measuring the pressure of the substance passing through a closed container or pipeline. But the barometer is not like that. The barometer, on the other hand, plays a big role in measuring atmospheric pressure. A barometer can measure higher pressure levels than a manometer.

We have answered the questions of what a manometer is, what it measures and where it is used, with the finest details. The manometer is a pressure gauge that we can often see while inflating our tires, applying air treatment in the hospital and many other areas. Do not view the manometer as just an analog gauge. Some technological devices have manometer systems that can measure pressure digitally. Have you used a barometer before? Don’t forget to share it with us in the comments.