What is a CDR File and How to Open it?

What is a CDR File and How to Open it?

Every file we use today has a unique format. This format is determined by the content of the file. The CDR file with the .cdr extension is one of them. CDR files are generally vector files prepared with the CorelDRAW program. However, in some cases, CDR files may also be music ripped from a CD. So it’s a bit of a mess.

Because of this confusion, many users wonder what a CDR file is and how to open it. If you have software that can create a CDR file, you can easily open it. However, if you do not have such software, you should first know what kind of content the file contains and follow a suitable method. Let’s take a closer look at what a CDR file is, how to open it, and see the methods you can apply.

What is a CDR file?

CDR file with .cdr extension is a vector file that contains many different content such as text, pictures, effects, shapes created with CorelDRAW program. These files, created with the CorelDRAW visual design program, can be opened with the same program. If you do not have such a program, there are different methods you can apply.

Another answer to the question of what is a CDR file is a music file copied from a CD. If you see CDR files on computers with macOS operating system, these files may be music files copied from a device such as a CD or DVD. In such a case, you need to follow a different method.

How to open CDR file?

  • Method #1: Opening CDR file with image
  • Method #2: Opening a CDR file with audio

Opening a CDR file with an image:

If you think that the CDR file you have is a vector file that contains many different content such as text, images, effects, shapes created with the CorelDRAW program, the first method you should apply is to use the CorelDRAW program in the latest version. If you do not have this program, you can open the CDR file with one of the following applications;

  • Inkscape
  • CDR Viewer
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
  • CorelDRAW PaintShop
  • CorelDRAW WordPerfect
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • ACD Systems Canvas

Some of these applications we have listed are paid and some are free. You can use the trial version of the paid ones. If you don’t often open CDR files with .cdr extension, it is not recommended to use one of the paid programs. Free ones and trial versions will work.

Opening a CDR file with audio:

If you have come across a CDR file on your computer with MacOS operating system and you think that this file contains sound, you can easily play this file through iTunes. The CDR file in question is an audio file copied from a CD, if you want to burn this file back to a CD or DVD, you can use ImgBurn or DVD Decrypter.

CDR file conversion process:

Since opening CDR files with .cdr extension is a bit of a painstaking process, you may want to convert these files to an easier-to-open format. For CDR file conversion, you can use the Convertio website, which you can access via the link here.

Convertio file conversion site can convert your files up to 100 MB to many different formats online and for free. Depending on the content it contains, you can convert your CDR files to a suitable format so that they can be opened and edited much more easily from now on.

How to solve the ‘CDR file cannot be opened’ problem?

CDR files with the .cdr extension are often vector files that contain many different content such as text, images, effects, shapes created with the CorelDRAW program, and therefore can be easily opened with the CorelDRAW visual design program. If you do not have the CorelDRAW program, the applications listed above will definitely open your CDR file.

If you encounter CDR files with the .cdr extension on your MacOS operating system, this file may be an audio file copied from a CD or DVD. The iTunes application will open such files easily because basically there is not much difference between them and standard audio files.

If whatever you do, the CDR file does not open and you cannot perform the conversion, you should be suspicious of the file you have. Your CDR file may be damaged or corrupt. In such a case, you should contact the source where you obtained the file and get a different copy of the file. However, try to open the CDR file with CorelDRAW for once.

We answered the questions such as what is the CDR file with the .cdr extension, which is the format of vector files prepared with the CorelDRAW program, and how to open it, and we talked about the important details you need to know about this file format.