What Does the Internal Circulation Button Do?

We explained what the internal circulation button, which is always in front of our eyes in cars, but which most people do not know, does and what its advantages and disadvantages are.
 What Does the Internal Circulation Button Do?
READING NOW What Does the Internal Circulation Button Do?

We are starting to move from the hot summer months to the freezing winter months. As the weather got colder, the air conditioners of the cars were turned from cold to hot. Today we’re going to explain to you what a button does, sometimes saving lives and sometimes risking life. Have you ever seen a button on cars with a curved arrow inside the car? Have you ever thought about what exactly this button with the name “internal circulation button” does?

In fact, the internal circulation button, which is a very functional button in terms of vehicle comfort, can also put your life at risk in some cases. Then let’s see what the internal circulation button does and what its positive and negative aspects are.

What does the internal circulation button do?

The button with a curved arrow inside the car is used to operate the internal circulation system in its clearest form. The internal circulation system, which allows the vehicle to cool faster, especially when the air conditioner is on, takes the air inside the vehicle and helps it to cool again with the air conditioner. Thus, on hot summer days, instead of cooling the hot air, the air conditioner re-cools the already cooled air. This puts less load on the air conditioner and has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

It provides isolation for people inside the car when the air outside is dirty.

In cases where a foul odor or heavy exhaust fumes come from outside, the internal circulation system returns the air inside the car with the air conditioner instead of taking air from the outside. This allows you to insulate you from the nasty outside air.

The internal circulation system works extremely well for people who are allergic to pollen.

When should the internal circulation system be used?

The internal circulation system can be used in hot summer months when the air conditioner is on. This system, which is used against pollution especially in heavy traffic, should be preferred when there are few people in the car and should not be used continuously.

When should the internal circulation system not be used?

Although the internal circulation system is a very useful feature when used carefully, it has some disadvantages. First of all, the internal circulation system should not be used in cold weather. Because it will trap the moisture that comes out of your breath and cause your car window to fog up. In fact, if your car’s window is constantly fogging up, you can look at the internal circulation system.

The internal circulation system can cause you to sleep while driving.

Perhaps the greatest danger of the internal circulation system is the amount of carbon dioxide it will collect inside. In crowded and long journeys, when the windows are closed, the oxygen in the car turns into carbon dioxide as a result of the breaths we take. This causes the interior of the car to be stuffy. Inhaling too much carbon dioxide causes drowsiness, and falling asleep in a car can be catastrophic.

Do automakers have precautions?

In today’s new generation digital cars, the internal circulation system turns off automatically. However, in old generation cars, you need to check whether this system is open or not. We recommend that you do not use the internal circulation system too much, especially when you are going on a long journey, and that you allow fresh air to enter constantly.

Today we explained to you what the internal circulation button does. If you want this kind of content to come, you can write to us in the comments section.

  • Sources: Travel+Leisure, WXYZ Detroit, Eden Tires & Servicing

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