What Does SKT On Water Bottles Mean?

Do you think that water, which makes up about 60% of our body and is the source of life for many living things, has an expiration date or is there a situation such as stale water?
 What Does SKT On Water Bottles Mean?
READING NOW What Does SKT On Water Bottles Mean?

Drinking water is perhaps one of the most frequent actions that many of us repeat during the day, especially in these summer days when the heat is increasing. As a matter of fact, we can balance the water loss we experience with the warming of the weather, just by drinking water.

While drinking water, we inevitably turn our eyes to the numbers on the bottles, and realize that the expiration date (SKT) of the water is written on the bottle, which we never paid attention to before drinking. Really, does water have SKT? Does water that exceeds SKT harm us?

Although most of us don’t check on water bottles before drinking, drinking water that has passed SKT isn’t likely to cause fatal harm in the short run.

Regardless of whether it is a plastic, glass, steel or aluminum bottle, when you buy ready-made water, we see a date on the bottle that expresses the expiry date of the water (STT / SKT / TETH / EXP / BEST BY / BF). It has to be admitted that we never control these dates because our subconscious has not been able to accept that water has an SKT. In fact, our subconscious mind is not wrong in this regard.

The dates expressed on the water bottles are the SKT of the bottle, not the water.

Especially plastic bottles pose a danger in this regard, because there is a risk of infiltration of Bisphenol A, which is extremely harmful for human health, or BPA, as we are accustomed to hearing and seeing, from the plastic bottle into the water.

In case you are drinking water that has passed SKT, BPA may have been mixed into the water; Worse still, the other possibility may be BPA mixed in.

When choosing ready-made water, many times experts state that using plastic bottles is harmful to health. Plastic is also a very dangerous waste for nature, but because the cost of glass and aluminum bottles is very high, plastic bottles are still mostly preferred today.

An SKT period of 2 years is usually indicated on the plastic bottles. This implies the possibility of BPA leaching from the plastic into the water at the end of the SKT, but you will agree that BPA may leak out before 2 years. For this reason, drinking water in plastic bottles actually poses a serious danger. Especially the plastic bottles that we sometimes use more than once are a great threat to human health.

Although BPA harms women most, it poses a great danger to everyone.

Scientific studies have shown that people who consume BPA, which is known to mimic the estrogen hormone; It shows that problems such as menstrual irregularity, breast cancer, heart diseases, infertility and asthma are encountered. In addition, it is stated that the rate of negative response to chemotherapy is higher in cancer patients exposed to BPA.

BPA is a substance that is banned for use in baby products by many countries due to the high danger it contains. Still, we should check for BPA in every product we buy for our babies, especially bottles and pacifiers.

If we use tap water, there are some issues that we should pay attention to in tap water.

Although the tap water is not clean enough to drink in big cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, tap water is preferred as drinking water in many cities in our country. Experts state that tap water also has a lifespan, and they say that the life of the treatments applied to drinking water is about 6 months. In other words, you can fill water from the fountain, keep the water for 6 months and then want to drink this water. Most likely, this water will now be unhealthy water.

You can do a little test to understand how the water tastes unhealthy.

Maybe you haven’t realized what unhealthy water is like until now, but you can do a little test on this. Fill a plastic glass or bottle with some water. Leave this water for 1-2 days and then drink a sip. You will witness how the taste of water is changed by carbon dioxide and bacteria.

If you have drank water that has been exposed to direct sunlight before, you do not need to do this test because water that is directly exposed to the sun is also unhealthy water. Such waters have a slightly bitter taste and the term “blood-like” is used for these waters. For this reason, many foods have a “do not expose to direct sunlight” warning because harmful bacteria multiply more easily in sunlight.

If you drink a small amount of unhealthy tap water, there is no problem, but if you continue to drink, you may have to end up in the hospital.

Drinking a few sips of unhealthy tap water can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, but it usually does not cause serious problems. If you consume more than a few sips, you may have no choice but to go to the hospital.

Although it is a very rare case, if you drink more water than necessary, you can die from water intoxication. For this rare case called hyponetramia, you should have drunk approximately 20 liters of water in 1 hour. Generally, people who are interested in endurance sports experience water intoxication.

It is worth remembering, glass is health!

Do not forget to drink an average of 3 liters of water a day, using glass bottles for our health in daily life, of course proportional to your weight. If you drink less water, you may face many more problems such as dizziness, headache, nausea, high blood pressure, asthma, cramps, migraines and serious kidney problems.

Sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 /

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