What did the Season 2 Finale of Loki, which tried to recover Marvel’s diminished charisma, actually tell us?

What did the Season 2 Finale of Loki, which tried to recover Marvel’s diminished charisma, actually tell us?

Loki, one of the most interesting villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has gained a unique fan base since he was first seen on the big screen. The prince of Asgard, the spoiled god of mischief who has his sights set on the throne of Asgard, also showed great development with this series.


Loki started his story in the Marvel universe as a villain who wanted a throne in the first frame, and eventually achieved a poetic finale with the transformation his character experienced. Let’s look at this final together.

Introducing Loki, the god of stories

In the comics, we have seen in the story of Loki, Agent of Asgard that all Loki variants always have to lose in order to make the stories of other heroes shine even more.

This understanding was also seen frequently in the series; In fact, Loki was constantly told that he would lose. Just like in the comic book series, Loki eventually became the god of the stories; which is actually one of the strongest characters we’ve seen in the MCU.

Finally realizing that he was the god of stories, Loki regained his throne as a result of his sacrifice for a “more glorious purpose.” Although it was a lonely and sad throne, Loki eventually managed to achieve a spot even higher than he always wanted to be.

Can the will subdue fate?

When Marvel does not try to disgrace beloved characters such as She-Hulk, we can see certain character progressions and subtexts in their productions.

We don’t know how Kevin Feige allowed a series that doesn’t advertise another series or occasionally try to sell something. What we do know is that the Loki series is about friendship, sacrifice and free will.

We actually saw a Loki trying to disable the time loop shaped by the Kang variant, which we saw throughout the series as He Who Remains. Of course, Slyvie was also a very important warrior, but we saw that Loki was the real master when it came to dominating time.

Timelines, strings of fate…

In Greek mythology, there are three sisters: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. The first of these weaves the threads of people’s destiny; The second decides the fates, the third cuts the rope. In other words, he decides the moment of death.

While Loki collects the timelines in his hands at the end of the story, he places himself in a place between these lines, independent of them. In a sense, by making his own choice, he takes the reins of fate into his own hands. My personal guess is that Dr. The fact that we see different universes as threads here, which we saw as pieces of stone in the movie Strange, is also a reference to this situation.

The time loom we see in the series is actually used as another metaphor here. With every choice, a new timeline emerges. Even if Loki and his team strive for centuries and expand the system, the scheme must eventually collapse, free will cannot be inhibited.

And so the story of Loki ends, with the god of mischief who always thinks he is superior to everyone else, in the end, holds everyone’s fate in his hands, but no one knows it…

So, what makes the series so successful is the “eternal journey of the hero”?

Throughout the series, Loki moves in a cycle called the hero’s eternal journey. So could this be the only thing that makes the series a success? Of course no. First of all, Loki offers us a neat production that focuses on a single character. There are no other characters, no references (At least there are very few).

When we look at the acting, Tom Hiddleston is absolutely stunning and manages to make the character deep and real. The acting of the other names is also above a certain line. The soundtrack, most of which is by Natalie Holt, also contributes greatly to the ambiance.

The Loki series, where the color palette is more matte and dark, constantly incorporates elements of tension into its narrative. It is possible to direct the mood of the audience throughout the production with the ambient lights constantly provided from below.

These practical approaches manage to reach a higher level with Marvel’s quality CGI offering. Marvel can still tell great stories when it wants to tell them.

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