What could be the reason why you don’t laugh at the same things as your elders?

What could be the reason why you don’t laugh at the same things as your elders?

It is especially the rebellion of high school-age youth: “Grandma/grandfather, you don’t understand the joke I make at all”. Also, when you look at the issue from the eyes of the elderly, you can understand that they think, “What kind of stupid things are you dealing with, my son / daughter”.

Moreover, young people do not find funny the same things, not only as their grandparents, but also their own parents. So why don’t we share a sense of humor with our elders? Let’s take a look at the reasons.

Simply put, you and your elders are people of different generations.

Let’s say you’re in your early 20s. There are times when you can’t find a common point even in communication, let alone humor, with people who are 20-30 years older than you. Think of it this way, let’s say you have a 60-year-old grandmother.

He received a very different education from the one you received and was raised very differently by his own family. Even the games he played with his friends were very different from the games of your generation.

For example, they played games such as leapfrog, stop, steel-rod. Maybe ’90s kids had a bit of a knack for them, but those born in 2000 and later didn’t enjoy them as much as they did on a tablet or phone, even if they played them.

The older generation, as you know, is more traditional and conservative. Also, many of them are very religious people. For example, if you make jokes that contain words like “amin, bismillah” even if it is not maliciously, it is quite normal for your elders to react and not laugh at them. Because they may think that you do not take matters that they adopt and consider important.

Thus, you, the new generation, can have sweet quarrels with the old members of your family who are the ‘old land’. As we said at the beginning, not only grandparents, but also parents can sometimes not understand children / young people.

But parents can pick up a joke that goes against their own values ​​more easily than grandparents. Let’s open a parenthesis: Not everyone’s family has to be like this, of course. For example, suppose someone in 2005 had parents born in 1972 or 1969. Now, our 2005 teenager can easily make a joke he sees on social media, if his family is not composed of very tough individuals.

Because we can say that people in 1972 and 1969 were busy with Facebook and Instagram, although not much with Twitter. In addition, families learn to use such platforms from their children and are not strangers to the up-to-date compared to older people.

This can cause person X to get a slight angry reaction, mostly with a small smile, when he comes and shows his mother a social media caption with slang in it, saying, “Mom, look what I’ll show you”.

If your mother does not give this reaction, you will eat a slipper on your head like the user above, it will be. In short, your own parents may not find the funny content you show as funny as you laugh. After all, although they are familiar with the popular culture in which their children grew up, the fact that the social structure they grew up in is different is a factor affecting this situation.

For example, the user who tweeted above says that his joke is not understood because he does not have the same interests as his parents. Probably her mother might be watching Müge Anlı or magazine programs in the mornings. So it’s only natural that the mother doesn’t know about Game of Thrones like the user.

Speaking of social media, let’s not forget to mention the differences in the technology that generations were born into:

We cracked it a little in the first part of the content, but to explain in detail, today’s Silent Generation (1945 and before), Baby Boomers (1945 – 1964), X (1965-1979), Y (1980-1999), Z (2000-2012) and Alpha We can say that five generations (2012- 2021) have been accepted.

In particular, there is a significant technological difference between the generations called Boomer and X and the Y and Z generations. For example, when you talk to your Boomer generation elders, most of them will say that they lived in villages and towns and suffered from poverty.

In fact, the Boomer generation is a generation that has to work in very harsh conditions in factories, fields and cities. In fact, if there was an old-fashioned television in one of the houses in the villages where this generation lived, all the children of the village would go to that house to watch television. As you can see, it was very difficult to reach the TV, which we don’t even look at nowadays, at that time.

The Silent Generations and Boomers are also generations who grew up listening to the news of war and coups on the radio. For this reason, today’s jokes can seem to them as very irrelevant and empty things. Because of the difficulties they experience, their temperament can be more serious than today’s youth.

I throw it, if you go and make jokes about rebellion against authority and freedom to these people, they can get very angry and angry. This is because they are the people we just mentioned, who grew up with the fear of coups and wars. The jokes you make may not sound like a joke to them, but as if they are ‘horrible political ideas that they will end up in jail if they laugh’.

This is also true for the X generation, most of whom are the parents of the Z generation. The only difference is that they are better or worse than the previous generations. Because most of this generation’s families migrate to cities to work, they are more accustomed to urban life.

They are also not far from technology. At that time, every house could now have a TV if the family’s financial situation was not so bad. For example, the youth of those years could listen to music with a walkman and walk on the streets.

That’s why these people, when they became parents, weren’t too French for things like the internet, computers, smart phones, and social media.

Of course, the world in which Generation Y and Z were born was in a constant state of technological development. The computer was now seen as an indispensable tool in everyone’s home. For this reason, various jokes and jokes belonging to this group were emerging. As a matter of fact, how can we expect to speak the same language from parents who do not constantly text on MSN or post pictures with pouty lips on Facebook?

For example, to conclude with what we said at the beginning, a Boomer grandfather or a mother who is a generation X naturally cannot understand the emo conversation of the Y generation in adolescence. If you go and show a funny Twitter cap about emo, they’ll say “what the heck” or something.

Or, if you speak in a language specific to social media, such as “is it true”, “aga bee”, “I’m going to die if I don’t do this”, they may look at you with empty eyes. This is also quite normal. Do you laugh at the same things as your parents? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

  • Image Sources: Harvard Business Review, TechBuzz News