What Causes Flowers to Have Different Colors?

What Causes Flowers to Have Different Colors?

We all know that funny nursery rhyme that starts with ‘Roses are red, violets are blue…’. Because it is, even if we say flower, each one has its own unique color. In fact, we can even see that the same kind of flower takes on more than one color during its short life. While the answer to the question of how the colors of flowers are formed is hidden in their genes, why they are colored tells about their struggle for survival.

Flowers have pigments and they appear colorful thanks to these pigments. They appear colorful because if the creatures carrying their pollen do not see them, they cannot reproduce. So while we as humans think how romantic this situation is, their goal is simply to survive. Let’s not go that simple though. Let’s take a closer look at how the colors of the bride’s flowers are formed, and why each of them is in a different color.

There are basic pigments that make up the color of flowers:

Like all living things, flowers have a genetic sequence, DNA. Pigments are hidden in these genes. Since a single pigment is active in some flowers, it is possible to talk about a single dominant color. However, because more than one pigment is active in some flowers, a colorful visual feast can emerge.

Carotene pigment gives red and yellow colors to flowers, chlorophyll pigment gives green color to flowers, xanthophyll pigment gives flowers a more intense yellow color. Anthocyanins pigment group is white, red, yellow, blue, purple, black and brown; the carotenoids pigment group offers more intense yellow, orange and intense red colors.

Factors other than pigments also affect flower colors:

The pigments in the genes of flowers are the main factors that make up the colors of the flowers, but it would be wrong to say that they are the only factor. Because the importance of environmental factors is too great to be underestimated. So much so that even flowers of the same species growing side by side seem to be quite different for seemingly simple reasons.

The amount of light that flowers receive as they grow affects the brightness of their colors. Temperature factors such as ambient temperature and the cold-warm balance are also extremely effective in color formation. The pH balance and nutritional value of the soil in which they grow also affect how vivid the flower colors will be. Stress-induced color problems have also been observed in flowers growing in flooded or drought-ridden soils.

In fact, everything is hidden in the beauty of the seeing eye:

It is possible to talk about many different elements that give flowers their color. But the most important element is the eyes that see, namely us. As you know, the concept we call color is actually formed by the reflection of light on the object. In other words, in whatever environment the human eye sees that color, that color will be so beautiful.

When two people look at an object at the same time, they see two different color patterns. This happens even if there is no color blindness or similar problem. This is why one person may admire a flower while another may claim that he does not see anything funny. As a result, we can say that beauty is hidden in the eye of the beholder.

Why are the flowers colorful?

It is not because we write poems about the reason why flowers are colorful and pluck them and give them to our lover. In fact, the reason why flowers are colorful is the result of a simple struggle for survival. The more vibrant colors a flower has, the more likely it is to reproduce.

Many insects, especially bees and small birds, feed on flowers. These creatures collect pollen in their bodies during feeding. When they go to a different flower to feed, these pollen sticking to their bodies are shed and allow the flowers to reproduce.

If a flower does not have enough vibrant colors to attract insects, no one will come and distribute its pollen, and as a result, that flower cannot reproduce. Therefore, at the end of an evolutionary process, flowers learn to develop certain colors and turn into attractive plants. In other words, the colors of the flowers are their impressive outfits.

Let’s summarize; How are the colors of flowers formed, why are their colors different?

The colors of the flowers are formed by the effect of the pigments in their genes. In this formation process, the effect of the environment in which the flower is located is also quite high. The flowers are colorful because they want to attract insects and disperse their pollen. So everything is just a simple struggle for survival.

We answered questions such as how the colors of the flowers that fascinate those who see with their thousand and one colors are formed, why the flowers have different colors, and we talked about the details you need to know about the subject. Whatever the reason, luckily we live in a world where flowers are colorful.