What are the symptoms of cold, which is a problem for all of us these days, and what precautions should we take?

What are the symptoms of cold, which is a problem for all of us these days, and what precautions should we take?

If you are one of those who start to get sick as soon as the weather seems to get a little cold, don’t worry, you are not alone. People of all ages catch cold just during this seasonal transition period. Of course, we say that this is a cold, but in fact the name of the disease in question is the common cold. Moreover, it has nothing to do with cold because it occurs due to a viral infection caused by one of hundreds of virus types.

Cold disease is more common in children than in adults. The symptoms are often the same and disappear within a certain period of time, even without any treatment. However, since some people are in a much higher risk group, side effects can be harmful even if the disease itself does not cause harm. Therefore, you should know what the symptoms of cold are and learn the precautions you can take.

First of all, let’s get to know our disease; What is cold?

Commonly known as cold, the common cold is a disease caused by a viral infection, especially in the upper respiratory tract. More than 200 types of viruses can cause the common cold, especially rhinovirus. It is considered normal for adults to catch a cold 2 to 3 times a year, and for children much more often.

So how does cold occur and how is it transmitted?

Viruses that cause colds can be transmitted through close contact and air. Therefore, even being in the same environment with someone who has a cold can cause you to catch these viruses. Using the same eating utensils, cups, etc. as the sick person will also cause you to catch the virus. You can encounter these viruses at any time of the year, although they are more common in the winter months. Especially children and the elderly constitute the highest risk group.

Cold symptoms that you can easily notice:

  • Sneeze
  • nasal congestion
  • runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Mucus flowing into the throat
  • watery eyes
  • Fire
  • Headache
  • muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Pressure in the ears and face
  • Loss of taste and smell

These are the symptoms of the common cold in general. Of course, all of these may not be seen at the same time or with the same intensity, but you will definitely feel them. In some cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by diarrhea or abdominal pain, but this is not always the case.

When do cold symptoms appear?

Generally, the first cold symptoms appear between 1 and 3 days after contracting the virus. Most of the time, whatever symptom is present, it is quite mild at first. The intensity of the symptoms may continue to increase depending on the course of the disease and the strength of the person’s immune system. Of course, it is also possible to get over it mildly with very few symptoms.

How long do all these symptoms last?

It varies for everyone, but symptoms of cold disappear completely within 1 to 2 weeks on average. To give an average time for symptoms, a sore throat can last 8 days, a headache can last 10 days, and a runny nose and cough can last 14 days. Let us remind you that these effects will be more intense and last much longer, especially in smokers.

Is cold contagious?

Yes, it is definitely contagious. Since the common cold is caused by a virus and this virus travels easily through the air, it is extremely easy to transmit it. Moreover, this risk does not last for a few days; you are contagious until your cold symptoms disappear, even if they are of different severity. In fact, the virus has the ability to survive on many surfaces for 24 hours.

Let’s say we catch a cold, how do we recover?

  • Soothe your throat by gargling with salt water.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Drink plenty of warm teas such as linden, sage and mint tea.
  • Drink natural fruit juice.
  • Take vitamin C supplements.
  • You can use lozenges.
  • Take a shower with warm water.
  • Get plenty of rest.

Do not forget to follow the recommendations here with the approval of your doctor. Gargling with salt water is not recommended for children. Of course, you can speed up your recovery process by using medication under the supervision of a doctor, but this disease usually lasts one to two weeks. Especially if you have difficulty breathing, if your fever has been high for more than four days, if your symptoms have not eased for ten days, if the cough has disappeared and comes back, you need to be examined by a specialist physician without wasting time.

A cold can also cause some more severe effects:

  • middle ear infection
  • Wheezing, even in people without asthma
  • sinusitis swelling
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis

Some of these diseases may also occur in case of cold. It is not a common condition, but the risk of developing these diseases may increase depending on the person’s disease history. In such a case, you must be examined by a specialist physician.

Don’t bother with these, take your own precautions:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Disinfect frequently used surfaces.
  • Be sure to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and warn others.
  • Do not share eating and drinking utensils with anyone.
  • Stay away from people you know are sick.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do your best to strengthen your immune system.

No matter what the disease is, if you do these things, unless there is a genetic condition, you will prevent diseases. Let’s say you get sick, you can get over it more easily if you have a strong immune system. The important thing is to pay attention to our health in general.

We answered frequently asked questions such as what are the symptoms of the common cold, commonly known as cold, and how it can be cured. What we say is for informational purposes only. Remember that, as with all health issues, you should get the most accurate and personalized information about cold from a specialist physician.

Sources: NHS, Mayo Clinic, CDC, WHO