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What are the Benefits and Harms of Technology to Humanity?

When we say technology, we all usually think of mobile devices, but in fact, electricity and aircraft are also technology products. Technology products, which are indispensable in our lives today, are our biggest helpers, but have you ever thought about the benefit they provide and the harm they cause us? Technology may not be so innocent.
 What are the Benefits and Harms of Technology to Humanity?
READING NOW What are the Benefits and Harms of Technology to Humanity?

Webtekno provide our readers with the latest technology news. We have made many news about the benefits of technology to humanity, but we have just as much news about the harm caused by technology. So, should we really be praising technology, if it has both benefits and harms? Perhaps the harm it does to humanity is far greater than the benefit it brings.

As technology develops in many different production areas, it makes our lives much easier. The roads are getting shorter, the possibilities are increasing, our time is up to us. But with these, our health deteriorates, new addictions appear, and the environment is visibly polluted. Let’s try to make sense of the world of today and the future by examining the benefits and harms of technology to humanity.

Benefits of technology to humanity:

  • The quality of life without disabilities has increased.
  • Far away became close.
  • We are able to see our loved ones with a single touch.
  • Our agricultural products are much more efficient.
  • Our time belongs to us now.
  • The world’s knowledge is at our fingertips.
  • Education has become much more accessible.
  • We are much healthier now.
  • We learned to have fun alone.

Disabled-free quality of life increased:

Today, even the electric wheelchair, which can be used by all individuals with walking disabilities, is a great blessing of technology. It is not limited to this; Artificial limbs made for amputees are becoming more realistic and useful with each passing day. Artificial organs that will provide realistic senses for the visually and hearing impaired will soon be within the reach of everyone.

Far away became close:

Recall that the roads we travel in a few hours by plane and in a day by road are covered by journeys that take months and years. Even the most affordable car we drive today accelerates to unimaginable speeds a few decades ago and offers life-saving safety measures.

With a single touch, we are able to see our loved ones:

The biggest impact of technology has undoubtedly been in the field of communication. We are now able to see our loved ones, which we tried to reach first by letters and then by phone, with a single touch. In the last few years, video calling technology has made incredible progress and has become widespread rapidly. A few decades ago, we could not have dreamed of meeting our loved ones living on another continent in HD quality.

Our agricultural products are much more efficient:

It is a miracle that the fields that were plowed with ox-drawn oxcarts and harvested with sickles are today plowed with high-tech tractors and harvested with combines. Even today, agricultural technology has reached such a point that we can do soilless agriculture without using pesticides and using minimum water. Who can go hungry thanks to this farming method, which is thought to become widespread in the near future?

Our time is now ours:

With one click, we receive an official document, which we spent hours to get, via e-Government, sign it mobile and send it to the required institution. We no longer waste time in bank queues for a simple bill payment or money transfer, we use internet banking. The product that we have been looking for until our soles swell is now delivered to our door with a single touch. It is up to us to enjoy the remaining time.

The world’s knowledge at our fingertips:

Generations who have prepared homework using an encyclopedia know; It was sometimes impossible to reach the right information until the internet came into the houses. With the widespread use of the Internet, computers and mobile devices, we can now access information that we can’t even imagine learning with a single touch. We can get their opinions by meeting with people and experts that we cannot reach in real life.

Education has become much more accessible:

We have all seen how important technology is for education, especially when distance education is switched to during the pandemic period. People who were miles apart received live training at the same time. Thanks to Udemy and similar platforms, our dream trainings have become accessible from where we sit.

We are much healthier now:

Early diagnosis is vital for any disease. Thanks to the medical technologies used today, even the biggest diseases can be diagnosed in a few hours. Thanks to the technology products used in the surgeries, the patient loss rate is gradually decreasing. The new methods used in the pharmaceutical industry have enabled us to almost eliminate the side effects of drugs.

We learned to have fun alone:

Thanks to computer games, game consoles, social media platforms, digital broadcasting platforms and more, we can all have a pleasant time alone. We play games, watch movies and TV series, and engage digitally in our favorite hobbies. We even have a chance to turn this fun into profit.

Harms of technology to humanity:

  • We are wasting our time and money.
  • The focus problem is increasing day by day.
  • Our creativity is getting duller.
  • Social isolation is getting worse.
  • Environmental pollution caused by technology is destroying our world.
  • Many people have become addicted to technology products.
  • Our health is deteriorating gradually.
  • Digital security problems threaten our real life.

We’re wasting our time and money:

How many hours a day do you spend on social media platforms? How many phone cases do you have? The phone installment isn’t over yet, is it? How many hours a day do you spend playing games in front of the computer? Technology manufacturers want us to spend all our time with their products, and they succeed. Companies want us to buy every new model and they succeed. After all, we are the losers most of the time.

The problem of focusing is increasing day by day:

Get past the moment you give notification permission to a mobile application that you have downloaded to your smartphone, now you will be asked to look at the phone with new notifications frequently. The account will always share something to the faces you follow on social media and you will feel incomplete when you do not see them. In the meantime, how can you focus on the project you need to catch up on or the exam you need to prepare for?

Our creativity is getting blunt:

Children who create unique things with Legos and their limitless imaginations are now confined to the limited world of games. We’ve even been doing how to decorate our house according to interior design suggestions. Since the rate of reading books is gradually decreasing, we do not live in the world of our dreams, which we create with a sentence, but what the screen shows in front of us.

Social isolation is getting worse:

Thanks to computer games, game consoles, social media platforms, digital broadcasting platforms and more, we can all spend time alone. We don’t talk to our family, we don’t meet with our friends, we just text with our girlfriend. While we think we are catching the world in a small room, we are actually trying to exist on our own outside of life.

Environmental pollution caused by technology is destroying our world:

Tech companies work with hazardous chemicals in their manufacturing plants. Even the release of their gases into nature causes the world to disappear blatantly. Since the old technology products that we buy new ones and throw away do not easily disappear in nature, we are creating ever-growing garbage dumps. It goes without saying the fate of the packaging of these products.

Many people have become addicted to technology products:

We have already said that we are wasting our time. There are also those who exaggerate this situation, and the number of these people is not small at all. How many hours can you spend without looking at your smartphone? Does it bother you that the TV is turned off? Since you couldn’t skip that last part, it’s stuck in your mind, right? Congratulations, you are on your way to technology addiction.

Our health is deteriorating gradually:

Although wearable technologies and mobile devices are with us everywhere, no one uses these devices while walking or training. We lead sedentary lives because of these devices that we use while sitting or lying down. Our health is deteriorating day by day due to the blue light and radiation we are constantly exposed to.

Digital security issues threaten our real life:

We often repeat that our digital data is never safe anyway. However, we now have so much data in the digital world that if it is seized, our real life is also in danger. Our bank account and credit card information, address, phone number and more private information may be at the mercy of a master hacker.

We tried to make sense of the present and future world by talking about the harms and benefits of technology to humanity. We see that the role of technology in our lives creates a real paradox. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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