Web3-focused trademark application from Nissan

Japanese automotive brand Nissan has filed for four new Web3-related trademarks in the United States. These new applications include the Infiniti, Nismo and Nissan brands. Speeding up the steps on Web3...
 Web3-focused trademark application from Nissan
READING NOW Web3-focused trademark application from Nissan
Japanese automotive brand Nissan has filed for four new Web3-related trademarks in the United States. These new applications include the Infiniti, Nismo and Nissan brands. Accelerating its steps on Web3, Nissan made its Web3 trademark applications to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on March 7th. Metaverse and NFT steps draw attention in these applications that have just come to the press.

In addition to these applications, Nissan announced that it is running a three-month demonstration experiment in its virtual store called Nissan Hype Lab in the metaverse universe. Specifically, in the statement from the company, it was stated that the possibility of new sales methods for automobiles was examined. Cars can be sold on Metaverse.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) applications cover the sale of items such as clothing, cars, hats, trading cards, toys, tickets in the virtual universe. The company is also making plans to create an NFT marketplace.

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