We won’t see Fallout 5 for at least 10 more years

Today, a statement has come about Fallout 5, which will be the next game of Fallout, one of the series that has been engraved in the game world, that will upset everyone. Bethesda creative director Todd Howard shared the company's current calendar. This calendar indicates that we have to wait at least another 10 years for Fallout 5.
 We won’t see Fallout 5 for at least 10 more years
READING NOW We won’t see Fallout 5 for at least 10 more years

Bethesda, one of the most serious companies in the gaming industry, shared a news that will upset many players today. The studio’s creative director, Todd Howard, in a recent interview with IGN, offered some unflattering details about the next Fallout 5 game and again the long-awaited Elder Scrolls 6.

Howard announced that Bethesda Game Studios’ current plan is to complete Starfield, which will be released in 2023, and then focus on the next game in the Elder Scrolls franchise. On the other hand, Howard announced that the Elder Scrolls 6, which was announced in 2018, is still in the ‘pre-production’ process. This, of course, was even worse news for Fallout 5.

It might be over 10 years before Fallout 5:

“Yes, Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production. Of course, we will be making Fallout 5 from now on. So our list is pretty full for a while.”

Although Bethesda’s slowness in releasing games is known to all players, new statements will be the last and biggest proof of this. Because, if we go from the explanation, the development process of Elder Scrolls 6 will start in 2023. This process will likely take several years.

With the release of Elder Scrolls 6, the Bethesda team will focus on Fallout 5 this time. In other words, Fallout 5 will only meet us between 2030-35 if everything goes well and Bethesda can’t reach a surreal speed that will shock the entire game world. Let’s hope our world doesn’t become the world of Fallout until then…

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