Watch Out For These Scams Before You Look For Used Cars

Watch Out For These Scams Before You Look For Used Cars

The only desire of those who want to buy a used car is to buy a clean, reliable and solid vehicle. Although it may seem simple at first glance, it is quite difficult to find a reliable seller, because scammers are roaming this market and there is no limit to the frauds they use to deceive people.

There are dozens of frauds made at the notary, bank or delivery transactions while selling the vehicle. However, in this article, we will talk about the frauds made on the vehicle mechanics of the vehicle. We have told you about the most common second-hand frauds, from those that fasten parts with smart bolts to those that resist airbags and seat belts.

Reducing the mileage of the vehicle

One of the biggest second hand frauds is to manipulate the mileage of the vehicle. Thanks to this change made through a device, car owners are asking for more than their worth by showing their vehicles as if they have been used little.

The first thing you need to do when buying a used car is to have the vehicle appraised, but unfortunately, if a change has been made in the vehicle’s mileage, it is not always possible for the appraiser to notice it. For example, if the brain of a vehicle of the same model, which has only a few kilometers left due to an accident, is attached to a vehicle at 300 thousand kilometers, it will not be possible for the appraisal to understand this.

Of course, there are ways to understand the real mileage of the vehicle. For example, if the vehicle you are going to buy is regularly maintained at the authorized service, it will be easy to confirm this, as most service shops record the vehicle’s mileage at each maintenance. In such cases, you can guess that it is not possible to change the mileage.

Another way to understand the mileage change is to examine the damage to the vehicle in detail. However, let’s also say that there is no 100% guarantee of understanding the actual mileage of the vehicle, except for the mileage records of the authorized service, since the event is only a guess.

Throwing resistance to airbags and seat belts

There are two major reasons for resisting airbags and seat belts. The first is to find it costly to install new airbags, and the second is to make the car sold look “accident free”.

Resisting is an extremely simple process. Those who want to sell their vehicle without an airbag apply a resistance of 2 ohms to the sensors, thus eliminating the airbag malfunction in the vehicle’s brain. Fortunately, this fraud is easily exposed in the appraisal, so the potential buyer will be aware of the situation before purchasing the vehicle.

Fastening part with smart bolt

As you can imagine, all parts of the vehicle must be securely mounted in order to keep the life safety of both the driver and passengers at the highest level. However, some people think that instead of mounting the parts that come out, it is enough to fasten them using smart bolts.

Parts fastened with smart bolts either cause problems over time and most importantly, if it is an important part, it endanger the lives of the driver and passengers. For this reason, when you bring the car to the appraisal, it is useful to make sure that all parts are assembled as they should be.

Showing the fretted (heavily damaged) vehicles as undamaged

It is legal to sell second-hand vehicles with heavy damage, but some scammers often resort to this method in order to sell their vehicles at higher prices. This is usually done by applying cosmetic make-up to the vehicle, but there are even those who take things a little further and change the license plate. It can sometimes take up to 45 days for the tramer record to be processed on the plate.

Fraudsters buy and stamp the vehicle within 45 days, so to speak, and disappear after selling the vehicle. The buyer, who is unaware of anything, realizes this situation much later, so it’s too late.

Showing the original piece to the buyer as if it were the original

As you know, one of the biggest frauds in the industry is the fitting of an original part taken from another vehicle to the same model car. Because of this extremely common method, most cars advertised are advertised as “unchangeable” despite the contrary.

The scammers have often managed to deceive potential buyers by showing the changed parts as if they are originals. The biggest reason behind their success is that the buyers do not want to deal with the expertise and do not go over the job in detail to see if there are any leftover parts on the vehicle.