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View of the Grand Canyon from the International Space Station

Have you ever thought about what the Grand Canyon will look like from space? An astronaut from the International Space Station answered this question for us.
 View of the Grand Canyon from the International Space Station
READING NOW View of the Grand Canyon from the International Space Station

One of the must-see places in the world is undoubtedly the Grand Canyon. Canyon located in Arizona, USA. With a length of 466 kilometers and a width ranging from 400 meters to 2.4 kilometers, it offers a complete visual feast to its visitors. So what does this legendary canyon look like from space? Samantha Cristoforetti of the International Space Station gives the best answer to this question.

The Grand Canyon looks very different from space

The image taken by European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti reveals the Grand Canyon in all its beauty. Cristoforetti shared the mind-blowing image of the Grand Canyon on his social media account.

European Space Agency astronaut used the following expressions in his impressive post:

Peaking out of the clouds… Grand Canyon! Spectacular rock formations that will make Jessica Watkins smile, but also teeming with life and hosting a variety of ecosystems with impressive elevation changes

Cristoforetti landed on the International Space Station in April with SpaceX Crew-4. It looks like the astronaut will continue to share many impressive photos during his stay on the ISS. You can follow him to see the photos he shared in the future.


Former Italian Air Force pilot and engineer, Cristoforetti, second time to ISS is located in. Jessica Watkins, who was the subject of the tweet, is Cristoforetti’s teammate on the ISS right now. Watkins, who holds a PhD in geology, studies landslides on Earth and Mars. That’s why Cristoforetti thought Watkins would like this photo, she.

Seeing that such a large natural formation actually constitutes a small part of the world makes one feel quite different. It also causes people to question their role in the world again. So what do you think of this image taken on the International Space Station? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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