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Varus CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

Varus, who is the bodyguard of the League of Legends universe, comes to make the criminals taste his arrow. In this article, we will examine the CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses of Varus, one of the attack power carriers of the bottom lane.
 Varus CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses
READING NOW Varus CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

Varus has always been one of the most popular characters across League of Legends. Varus is one of the characters whose playability has increased considerably when the power of the “Manaveren” item has been noticed recently.

It’s been a trend lately to get lethality items instead of normal attack damage items for attack damage carrier characters. Varus is one of the characters who caught this fashion. Especially when you go out with the manaveren item, its range advantage and abilities can hurt a lot. Now that we’ve clarified some details, we can now review Varus’ CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Varus CTs: Characters that are strong against Varus

  • Veigar
  • Kog’Maw
  • Ziggs
  • Xayah
  • Sivir

Varus really has a frightening range, especially when skill-based. However, the characters who play with their abilities can respond to Varus’ hara. On top of that, when Varus has trouble with mobility, the result of careless play is death very quickly.

Arrow of Vengeance Varus’s full abilities:

  • Passive / Alive Revenge: When he kills or assists an opponent, Varus temporarily gains attack speed . This bonus is even greater if the opponent is a champion.
  • Q / Piercing Arrow: Varus stretches his bow and fires a powerful shot, gaining increased range and damage as he prepares to let go.
  • W / Marz Quiver: Passive: Varus’ basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and inflict Blight. Varus’ other abilities cause Blight to detonate, dealing magic damage based on the target’s maximum health. Active: Varus empowers his next Piercing Arrow.
  • E / Rain of Arrows: Varus’ barrage of arrows deals physical damage to the area, making the ground malignant. Malicious ground reduces the movement speed of enemies, as well as their self-healing and regeneration speed.
  • R / Chain of Tribulation: After Varus immobilizes the first champion hit, he throws a vine of calamity that spreads to surrounding unaffected champions, immobilizing them on contact.

Crime Hunter Varus’ strengths and weaknesses:

Varus’ strengths:

  • Varus He has an unbelievable range when it comes to using his abilities
  • His damage is sufficient at all stages of the game
  • His ultimate can pin an entire team in place when used correctly

Varus is truly a beast when it comes to ability range. So much so that most of the time, it is possible to harass the opponent with your Q skill without being in any danger. In addition, you do not have much trouble in this regard, as the damage is at a sufficient level every time of the game. Even if you live, your W can still deal extra damage. Varus’ ultimate ability pins the first person he touches, allowing this crowd control to spread around. If you’re in a good enough position, you can neutralize most of the opposing team.

Weak features of Varus:

  • Since it has no features in favor of mobility, it can be dominant, etc. Being very open to positions
  • Being vulnerable to crowd control like many attack power carriers
  • Likewise, having problems from time to time against champions who can play with the range of their abilities

Varus on range although he is really strong, he can be the main focus of raids as he has no advantages in terms of mobility. Varus is quite weak against crowd control, like many sub-lane characters. In addition, champions who can play with ranged abilities like him can be a problem for Varus.

How to play Varus in LoL?

  • Apart from your normal attacks, your Q ability is your most basic damage. That’s why it’s very important to use your Q ability without missing
  • Never hesitate to use your ultimate ability, as you don’t have any features in terms of mobility. Use it offensively if necessary, and defensively if necessary
  • It is very important to detonate this charge after your ability is accumulated on your opponent. If you manage to collect 3 charges with your basic attacks and detonate it with your Q ability, a noticeable damage will be different

The most safe and safe attack form, apart from Varus’ basic attacks, is his Q ability. That’s why using your Q skill effectively is very important for your bottom lane superiority. W is just as important as Q. It’s not a requirement of course, but if you manage to detonate W stacks on your opponent with Q, there will be a noticeable damage difference. Your ultimate is your most basic defensive and offensive skill. There’s nothing wrong with using a defensive ultimate since you don’t have any features in favor of mobility. In addition, you can use your ultimate skill to attack the opponent offensively and continue the attacks.

How to play against Varus, how to beat Varus?

  • You especially don’t want to be hit by a Varus’ Q ability with a lethality build. So avoid his Q abilities as much as possible in a lane played against Varus
  • Varus is a character with no traits in the name of mobility. His only defensive ability is his ultimate ability. So, try to win the lane by raiding through your jungler or another teammate during the lane phase
  • Varus’ Q ability is especially dangerous after he basic attacks you. A passive from Varus’ W causes his basic attacks to inflict a burden on you. If he manages to detonate this stacked charge through his abilities, he will deal bonus magic damage and additional damage based on your maximum health.

I think we’re now convinced that Varus’ Q ability is dangerous. As long as you avoid the Q ability as much as you can, you’ll always have a chance to win in the bottom lane. Of course, likewise, take extra care to avoid it after a load has been piled up on you. Varus doesn’t have much to use for mobility. The only ability he can use for defensive purposes is his ultimate. Therefore, you can raid the bottom lane with the other players of the team and keep the dominance in the lane.

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