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Valve banned 90 thousand accounts: And that’s on the way!

Valve, the developer of Dota 2, has permanently banned the accounts of users who have smurf accounts in Dota.
 Valve banned 90 thousand accounts: And that’s on the way!
READING NOW Valve banned 90 thousand accounts: And that’s on the way!

Although League of Legends is more popular nowadays, we all know that its ancestor was Dota. Dota 2 is still at the top of Steam’s most played games list. Although it is nice that it is free, it brings some problems with it, smurf accounts are one of them.

Valve banned 90,000 accounts in Dota 2 to prevent smurf accounts!

Along with a statement shared on Dota 2’s official site, Valve announced that they have opened a new account in addition to their own high league rank account in the game and penalized players who crush low skill level leagues with their current skill.

The event we talked about in the previous paragraph is called ‘Smurf counting’. Although this situation satisfies the egos of experienced players, it alienates new players who are trying to get used to the game a lot.

Valve announced that they have permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts they have identified to prevent this. Moreover, it will not stop there. If a user continues to smurf after this incident, the problem is even greater.

Players who continue to smurf will not only have their smurf accounts banned, but also their main accounts will be detected and banned. Looks like Valve got pretty pissed off about this. E rights too.

In addition to the aforementioned event, smurf accounts increase cheats, disrupt matchmaking in games and encourage laziness. This greatly reduces the quality of a game.

In fact, this is one of the biggest problems of League of Legends and Valorant. So we hope Riot Games gets inspiration from Valve here. What do you think about this decision? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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