Useful Tips for Assembling a Computer

When we talk about collecting computers, many factors such as expectations, price and hardware information come into play. Creating the right combination for the purpose can be confusing. Here, in this content, we have compiled 7 tips that may be useful for those who want to collect computers.
 Useful Tips for Assembling a Computer
READING NOW Useful Tips for Assembling a Computer

Although it is getting more expensive day by day due to economic reasons, computers, which are indispensable parts of daily life, can open the door to very difficult times, especially for gamers. Although laptops may be sufficient for office use and daily life, a significant portion of gamers prefer to collect their own computers.

Collectible computers come at a more affordable price, and the user takes a step towards his needs. Of course, if he has knowledge on the subject, his work becomes much easier during the collection process. So what should be considered when collecting computers? We have compiled step-by-step computer collection tips in this content.

Considerations and tips when assembling a computer:

Determine what you are collecting computers for
Plan a budget and determine your needs
Do not hesitate to consult an expert
Determine the right processor for you
Pay attention to hardware compatibility
Prepare the operating system in advance

Determine what you are collecting computers for

Of course, the most important thing to consider when buying a computer is your needs. This issue, which is extremely important not only when buying an installed computer, but also when collecting a computer, can upset the user a lot if not taken into account. For example, the priority of the person who wants to collect a computer to play games should naturally be the hardware developed for the players. When a player buys office type processors or weak graphics cards for the computer he collects for gaming, it is considered to have thrown away thousands of liras. Because the parts he bought will not be able to meet his demands.

Plan a budget and determine your needs

Economic reasons do not allow the use of technology as much as one wishes. Computer equipment, which is quite costly, is sorted according to the budget of the users. If you have determined your priorities, the first thing you need to do at this stage is to plan your budget. After determining the maximum price you can spend while collecting computers, you can prepare a list according to the importance of the parts and your needs, and start collecting computers. The graphics card and processor will of course be among the most costly products of this budget.

However, it will be one of the most serious mistakes to buy the best processor you can get and arrange the other parts badly, or to take the best graphics card you can buy and throw the monitor, case, RAM, SSD into the background. Spending your budget on hardware with similar features will allow you to collect a more performance computer.

Do not hesitate to consult an expert

Of course, not everyone has to have sufficient knowledge of computers or technology. When buying such high-cost products, it is very important to get support from knowledgeable people, especially when collecting a product that is likely to become a part of your life, such as a computer. If you have, you can get recommendations from your friends or third parties around you, or if you don’t, on the internet, it can direct you to products that are both more suitable and of higher quality.

However, you will appreciate that one should not take the mind given by everyone. Listening to sites that share ideas with really concrete data or people you trust can help you assemble a computer more easily.

Determine the processor that suits you

Undoubtedly, the processor is one of the most important pieces of hardware when assembling a computer. As we mentioned above, it is very important not to allocate a very large part of your budget to the processor, but also to pay attention to the accuracy of the part you buy. At this stage, it would be appropriate to trust one of the two brands that have proven themselves in the processor. It will be to your advantage to choose one of Intel or AMD and install the rest of the parts on the axis of this hardware.

Pay attention to hardware compatibility

One of the mistakes made when collecting computers is that the purchased products are incompatible with each other. In the computer market, which has developed and diversified in recent years, incompatibility problems continue to arise between products. Especially when old model motherboards and new processors (or vice versa) are wanted to be combined, the computer does not work. In this regard, you can get support both from the internet and from the store representative where you will collect the computer.


Computers’ memory is at least as important as other parts. These parts, which record everything from the operating system to the image you download, directly affect the speed of the computer. These disks, which are divided into HDD and SSD (there are more types of memory, but they are now outdated), perform read and write tasks in the computer. While HDDs are more classic and old parts, they work slower as a result of the technologies of the period. Processes such as the computer’s boot speed, application launches, and data transfers are carried out directly through these parts.

SSDs are newer, faster, quieter and smaller memories. While the average SSD can be up to 10x faster than the average HDD, it’s also a bit salty on the price side.

Prepare the operating system in advance

The last tip we can give to those who want to assemble a computer is to prepare the operating system in advance, which will enable them to use the computer they have collected. Purchasing the most suitable operating system for your hardware while assembling the computer will enable you to use your ‘monster’ quickly after assembling the computer parts. While the most popular operating systems in this field are Windows and Linux, we think that the majority will prefer Windows. These users may also have to choose between fresh Windows 11 and established Windows 10.

Bonus: Fans, thermal pastes and cleaning

No matter how accurately you do the above, aging computer parts will suffer from performance degradation day by day. Of course, it is in the hands of the user to slow down this aging process as much as possible and maintain performance for a long time. As a matter of fact, while being kind to the computer that you will pay a fortune to protect it from physical damage, interventions on the temperature side are also vital.

The thermal pastes that you will apply especially to the processor part of the computer will eliminate the performance losses due to heating.

In addition, the extra fans you will place inside the case will prevent the computer from overheating, so performance losses can be eliminated before they occur. Of course, there are things to consider here as well. So much so that because the fans work long hours every day, dust will cover and the inside of the computer will be filled with dirt. By cleaning the device regularly, you can both ensure temperature stability and prevent the computer from being disinformation. Not damaging the parts during cleaning will also help the product to work for many years.

The tips we can give to users who want to collect computers are, of course, countless. However, the above items will make your work easier in the computer collection process. You can also make suggestions to those who want to collect this computer in the comments…

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