US Senators Submit Bill on El Salvador, Bukele Reacts Strongly

US senators introduced a bill to mitigate risks from El Salvador's adoption of Bitcoin
 US Senators Submit Bill on El Salvador, Bukele Reacts Strongly
READING NOW US Senators Submit Bill on El Salvador, Bukele Reacts Strongly

U.S. senators introduced a bill to mitigate risks from El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin. Bukele reacted sharply to the bill.

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US Senators Jim Risch, Bob Menendez and Bill Cassidy presented a bill regarding El Salvador’s Bitcoin law. If the bill is passed, a State Department report will be produced to mitigate the risks posed by El Salvador’s Bitcoin move to the US financial system. Senator Cassidy said in a statement on the subject:

“El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin (BTC) as its official currency opens the door to money laundering cartels and undermines US interests… United States of America If it wants to combat money laundering and preserve the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency, it must address this issue directly.”

Bukele Reacted Strongly

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele reacted harshly to this development. Bukele said:

“Well boomers… You have zero jurisdiction over a sovereign and independent nation. We are not your colony, your backyard or your front yard. Stay away from our interior. Don’t try to control what you can’t control.”

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