US Senator Warren Targets 6 More Bitcoin Mining Companies

US Senator Elizabeth Warren has asked six more mining companies to provide information on their energy use. You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.
 US Senator Warren Targets 6 More Bitcoin Mining Companies
READING NOW US Senator Warren Targets 6 More Bitcoin Mining Companies

US Senator Elizabeth Warren asked six more mining companies to provide information on their energy use.

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US Senator Warren, who came to the fore with his anti-Bitcoin comments, sent a letter to six more mining companies on Thursday requesting information about their energy use and environmental footprints. The mining companies Warren requested information from were Riot Blockchain, Marathon Digital Holdings, Stronghold Digital Mining, Bitdeer, Bitfury Group and Bit Digital. As we reported earlier, Warren also sent a letter to Greenidge, one of the leading Bitcoin mining facilities, last December.

In the letter, Warren asked each mining company to detail electricity consumption, scaling plans, deals with power companies, and the impact on energy costs for consumers and small businesses by February 10. The letter included the following statements:

“The extraordinarily high energy use and carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining could undermine our hard work to tackle the climate crisis. Not to mention the detrimental effects of crypto mining on local environments and electricity prices. ”

Recently, the US held a congressional session discussing the energy consumed by the proof-of-work mining model. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the PoW model is not only focused on the USA. Erik Thedéen, vice president of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), recently argued that the EU should ban proof-of-work mining and steer the crypto industry towards the proof-of-stake model.

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