US Institution Chose This Altcoin: The Greenest Coin!

A recent research report showed that one of the greenest networks and altcoin projects on the market is TRON. Here are the details…
 US Institution Chose This Altcoin: The Greenest Coin!
READING NOW US Institution Chose This Altcoin: The Greenest Coin!

Proof-of-work networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are the target of criticism for their high energy consumption. Meanwhile, work continues in the field of web3, sustainability and protecting the planet. However, a recent research report showed that one of the greenest networks and altcoin projects on the market is TRON. Here are the details…

CCRI rated the greenest altcoin project

CCRI, or the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute, is responsible for auditing networks to determine and measure their energy efficiency and carbon footprint. The institute systematically evaluated the energy efficiency of leading POS networks against POW peers. The article explored the electricity consumption and carbon footprint of various proof-of-stake networks including TRON, Avalanche, Algorand, Cardano, Polkadot, Tezos and Solana (SOL). He also compared them to leading proof of work networks (Bitcoin and Ethereum).

report findings

The findings were quite shocking. The energy consumption of PoW Blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum was found to be over 83 and 22 million kWh, respectively. In contrast, the annual energy consumption of the PoS Blockchain TRON was only 162,868 kWh. This represents 99.9 percent less power than consumed by Bitcoin and Ethereum. It turns out that chains like Bitcoin and Ethereum consume as much energy as 8.5 million and 1.6 million US households per year, respectively. However, it was noted that TRON’s energy consumption was only equal to the energy used by the 15 average US households.

This marks TRON as one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly chains in the Web3 space. TRON builds its unique Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism from the ground up. In the meantime, as we reported as, Ethereum is struggling to switch to PoS with Merge. Justin Sun, Founder of TRON, uses the following statements:

The increasing energy consumption of modern-day Blockchains is not sustainable in the long run, neither for users nor for economies of scale. The best networks are those that can promote decentralization while keeping the carbon footprint low to help steer the world towards a greener future.

Why is PoS environmentally friendly?

It is aimed to reduce carbon emissions to zero with new regulations and incentives. These rapid changes are prompting more projects focused on creating a greener economy. The same is true in the blockchain industry. PoW chains require miners to use large amounts of energy to get rewards and solve complex problems. The PoS model, on the other hand, requires participants to share their assets in exchange for rewards. Other protocols like Solana and Cardano also use the PoS model like TRON. But thanks to TRON’s unique DPoS model, it successfully uses some of the energy of most other PoS counterparts.

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