Unpleasant development about the price of Nintendo Switch 2!

Unpleasant development about the price of Nintendo Switch 2!

New information about the price and release date of Nintendo Switch 2 has emerged. The first model is suggested that Switch 2 will have a higher price tag, although it has achieved success with its favorable price policy.


According to the latest information, the price of Nintendo Switch 2 can be up to $ 499. As the biggest reason for this increase, the rise in hardware costs of the device is shown. For example, the cost of the NVIDIA processor to be used in the new model will range from $ 130 to $ 150. In the first Switch model, the cost of this component was $ 80.

Some sources claimed that the Switch 2 could be released with a price tag of $ 399. However, even these figures indicate a significant increase compared to the $ 300 price of the original Switch, which released in 2017.

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New information on the release date of Nintendo Switch 2 has also emerged. Robin Zhu, known as one of the reliable names in the game world, claimed that the new model will be available in June.

It is stated that the company plans to enter the launch period with a strong stock and will make a production between 6 and 8 million units. Nintendo, which aims to sell a total of 20 million for the first year, wants to achieve a serious commercial success with this model.

The company is preparing to make important announcements about the new hand console at the Nintendo Direct event, which will be held on April 2nd. So what do you think about this? You can share your opinions with us in the comments section below.