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Unmanned helicopter Alpin prepares to take to the field for military logistics missions

Alpin, who performed a civilian mission by flying in forest fires last year, is preparing to take part in the field of military logistics this year. In 2023, it is planned to arm Alpin.
 Unmanned helicopter Alpin prepares to take to the field for military logistics missions
READING NOW Unmanned helicopter Alpin prepares to take to the field for military logistics missions

Titra Teknoloji continues to develop the features of the unmanned helicopter Alpin. Titra Teknoloji General Manager Davut Yılmaz gave information about Alpin’s last point and stated that the helicopter is being prepared for military missions.

Stating that they removed the unnecessary parts from a manned helicopter and integrated their software and systems into an unmanned one, Yılmaz said that there is also the possibility of applying this to larger or smaller helicopters, and continued his words as follows:

“It is a much faster, more efficient and cost effective solution than building a helicopter from scratch. We set out with this need. We have come to these days by increasing the rate of locality almost every day. We have increased its range, carrying capacity and useful load options. It is getting stronger day by day, its share of locality is very high. there’s a growing Alpine.”

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Alpin, whose primary use is military or civil logistics, is also planned to be used for reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence purposes. The unmanned helicopter, which made flights in Manavgat and Çanakkale during the forest fires last year, is preparing for military missions this year. Yılmaz stated that they have a military plan very soon, and that they can start a mission in the eastern region in terms of military transport and logistics. He said that although it is not clear yet, Alpin plans to enter the inventory this year.

Stating that they plan to arm Alpin beyond military and civil logistics operations, Yılmaz stated that this will happen in 2023 and said: “We want to use Alpin’s high carrying capacity. We do not plan to integrate weapons such as conventional machine guns. Our approach there is a little different. Maybe.” “We may consider integrating different types of heavy weapons, but on the weapons side, our priority is weapons such as missiles or rockets. It will take place in 2023. Our priority this year is military logistics. If we do this, we will be the first company in the world to do this, and our army will be the first.”

Alpin can carry 200 kilograms of payload, including fuel. The unmanned helicopter, which can perform landing-take-off and mission execution autonomously, can stay in the air for up to 9 hours. Alpin also stands out with its hover feature for up to 20 minutes on targets.

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