Unleash Your Inner Lara Croft: Can You Make Your Way Out Of This Mysterious Ancient Temple With Reasoning?

Unleash Your Inner Lara Croft: Can You Make Your Way Out Of This Mysterious Ancient Temple With Reasoning?

You are an archeology professor and you and your students set out to explore an ancient temple. There have been rumors for centuries that the temple is cursed. That’s why no one dares to enter it. But you showed the courage. However, you will have to make very fast and correct decisions, there is a great responsibility on you.

Can you manage to reveal the secrets of the ancient temple on this road that you take all the risks? As you race against time and unsure of even the members of your team, can you use your wits to find the right path?

You entered the ancient temple, you made important discoveries that would change the history of the world in the temple that almost no one dared to enter.

These discoveries you found with your students will be talked about for years, and your names will always be remembered in the field of archeology. You congratulate them for not leaving you alone in this challenging task.

Now you have come to the end of a difficult journey, you have survived all the traps and you have found the keys you are looking for to get out of the temple.

It’s time to leave the temple. Do you think it will be that easy?

Now that you have found all the answers you seek, you can return to the outside world and enjoy this great success.

Something happened. While you were trying to understand the inscriptions on the wall in the dark, 2 of the 8 students who accompanied you crashed into the altar in the middle.

Clouds of green dust suddenly surrounded him, and the walls began to shake.

You started running in a panic and came to an area with 5 crossroads. One exit leads to the altar, where you have already come, and the other to the exit.

There is a huge hourglass in the middle of the field, and according to his calculations, in less than an hour, the hourglass time will run out. Judging by the dreadful voices, you won’t want to be there when the time is up.

When you review what you remember about the way you came, you calculate that if you are quick, you can get out of the temple in about 20 minutes.

The fork in front of you is your last chance to get out of the temple, and you know it.

But whichever way you came, there is no footprint or mark left by you that you can follow, and no one remembers the way.

If the nine of you take different paths and come back to the middle area, you’ll have enough time to tell exactly where your path leads when you return. Then everyone can run to the right exit.

But there is a problem, you read on the inscriptions on the wall that the altar is cursed. The spirits of the king and queen of the ancient city can invade the minds of intruders, mislead their thoughts, and make them say untrue things.

You remember the green smoke; Two students, who you don’t remember which one, were exposed to this smoke. So these students are cursed.

Cursed students can now act under the influence of the curse or do anything to keep you out of here. In other words, they can say wrong for the right way and right for the wrong.

You are sure that the curse did not affect you, but you do not know which of the 8 students were affected.

Also, there is no such thing as cursed students will always and only lie. It is not possible for you to test who is cursed by interrogation.

Luckily, he’s comfortable with this: Cursed students are not worried about attacking or hurting anyone. It’s a curse that only affects what they say and think.

Can you find a way to get all of you out of the temple?

If you’re ready to hear the answer, you can read below:

First of all you know you are not cursed, you can go alone to check one of the ways.

You knew that one exit went to the altar, and for the remaining 3 exits, there are 8 students left.

For example, if you divide the group into two and send 4 people to the two exits, you will not get the correct result. Because if there is a disagreement in one of the 4 groups, that is, if 2 of them say “Yes, this is the right way”, the other 2 say no, not from here”, you do not know who to trust.

Sending a pair and two groups of 3 will definitely give the correct result. You ask why?

It is unclear whether the cursed students will lie, and they are two persons. The other 6 people will always tell the truth. After all, they are still sane and want to save their lives.

When each group returns from the crossroads, either everyone in the group will say the same thing, or they will start arguing because they say contradictory things.

If all 3 people agree on the same result, it’s fine, you can be sure that none of them are lying.

You can’t be sure of the duo, yes, they may both have come across as cursed students and lie unanimously. But in this case, since you will be sure that the other two groups will tell the truth, you can easily eliminate these two possibilities and find out what path these two came from.

Of course, if by chance you realize that the exit is the way you go, none of this is even necessary.

So to summarize, never mind the 2nd group, if only one of the 3rd groups is self-contradictory, it means that the non-contradictory group is telling the truth.

If both groups of 3 are self-contradictory, they both have one cursed student, so you can rely on the consensus of 2 people in both groups.

Yes, you found the exit; you run fast and leave the green fumes behind you, the temple collapses and sinks into the ground.

You are all saved, and you promise a nice holiday to your students who are with you in this extremely difficult task. Now is the time to share your inventions with the world and enjoy the holiday.