UK fines Clearview AI $9.5 million

Facial recognition company Clearview AI has been fined by the country's data protection watchdog for collecting and using images from UK residents.
 UK fines Clearview AI $9.5 million
READING NOW UK fines Clearview AI $9.5 million

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has given facial recognition company Clearview AI an illegal transfer of images of UK residents via social media and the web. He was fined $9.5 million for collecting and using illegally.

Collected data requested to be deleted from systems

The ICO and the Australian Information Commissioner’s Office (OAIC) ​​launched a joint investigation into Clearview AI’s personal information processing practices in July 2020, and they completed this investigation last November. They announced that they were finalized. After the investigation, the ICO determined the sanctions they would impose on the company.

UK Information Commissioner John Edwards: “Clearview AI not only enables the identification of individuals, but also actively monitors their behavior and offers it as a commercial service. This is unacceptable. Therefore, both by penalizing the company and We’ve taken action to protect people in the UK by issuing an enforcement notice.” made statements.

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Added 3 days ago

$9.5 million Apart from the fine, the ICO has issued a sanction notice ordering Clearview AI to stop collecting and using the personal data of UK residents that are publicly available on the internet, and to delete any data that has been collected so far from its systems.

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