Ubisoft Announces Collaboration With HBAR Foundation

French video game developer and publisher Ubisoft announced that it is collaborating with the HBAR Foundation on decentralized technology
 Ubisoft Announces Collaboration With HBAR Foundation
READING NOW Ubisoft Announces Collaboration With HBAR Foundation

French video game developer and publisher Ubisoft announced that it is collaborating with the HBAR Foundation on decentralized technology.

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Ubisoft announced in its announcement that it has signed an agreement with HBAR to support the growth of the Hedera network and that Ubisoft will enter the Hedera (HBAR) ecosystem.

Ubisoft Will Be On Hedera Governing Council

Ubisoft will become a member of the Hedera governing council. It will launch a Hedera app in the Entrepreneurs Lab program. This initiative will support the development, growth and release of next-gen games on the Hedera network.

Council member Ubisoft will use its computing power to run a node on the Hedera network, meaning Ubisoft will use its computing power to validate transactions on the Hedera network.

Didier Genevois, director of blockchain at Ubisoft, made the following statements on the subject;

“At Ubisoft, we believe that distributed ledger technology holds a key to the future of gaming by providing new opportunities for gamers to become true stakeholders of our games. The Hedera network offers a promising approach to this technology, especially with its scalability, energy efficiency and innovative consensus mechanism. We look forward to exploring the Hedera ecosystem through our participation on the Governing Council.”

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