Uber considering accepting cryptocurrency payments

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi spoke to Bloomberg and said his company is open to accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.
 Uber considering accepting cryptocurrency payments
READING NOW Uber considering accepting cryptocurrency payments

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said in an interview with Bloomberg that the company may start accepting payments in cryptocurrency for its services.

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Khosrowshahi on the subject: “As we accept all kinds of local currencies, we plan to consider cryptocurrencies and/or Bitcoin as a means of transaction. It’s good for business, good for our customers and employees, so we’ll definitely look into that. If there is a benefit in this, we will do it if there is a need, but we will not do it just as a promotional campaign.” used the phrases.

Many companies are looking forward to crypto payment

Recently, more and more companies are considering the possibility of using cryptocurrencies as a payment method. is thinking. For example, Twitter’s CFO said earlier this week that the company is exploring the possibility of using Bitcoin.

As for Bitcoin, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, its price has started to slowly recover this week after a significant drop earlier. At the time of this writing, one Bitcoin was trading at about $42,420. After Bitcoin, the price of some other cryptocurrencies began to increase gradually.

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