Types and Characteristics of Poetry by Subject

Types and Characteristics of Poetry by Subject

Everyone may think of a different definition when it comes to poetry, but we are sure that the biggest common point of them will be emotion. Because sometimes a feeling that cannot be explained in volumes of books can be described in a two-line poem, opening the door to unique worlds for the reader. Because of this powerful attitude of poetry, poems have been sung or written since the days when humanity began to express itself verbally.

Poetry, which is one of the oldest types of literature, is also divided into genres within itself. Of course, there are poems that are classified with some technical details, but in this article, we will focus on the types of poetry that are classified according to the subject. Of course, before going into details, it is impossible not to talk about the history of poetry by dwelling on the question of what is poetry. Let’s take a closer look at what poetry is and what its types are.

What is poetry? History, types of poetry and features:

  • What is poetry?
  • History of poetry
  • Types and characteristics of poetry by subject:
    • Lyric poetry
    • Pastoral poetry
    • Epic poetry
    • Didactic poetry
    • Satirical poetry
    • Dramatic poetry

Let’s remember what is poetry?

Poetry in its most basic definition; It is the expression of feelings, thoughts or a dream using a harmonious language with verses that have an order in themselves. There are countless definitions about poetry, which is one of the oldest among the literary genres.

For example, Ahmet Haşim for poetry ‘Poetry that cannot be translated into prose.’ Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı said, “Poetry is the art of forming beautiful shapes with words.” he said. Poem; It can be written in syllabic meter, aruz meter or free meter. The most basic point that distinguishes poetry from prose, among its unique features, is that it has a harmony within itself no matter how it is written.

History of poetry:

The details of the historical journey of poetry, of course, are the subject of another article, but if we need to talk about the first poems in history, it is possible to say Ancient Greece. The word poetry, which means poetry in English, is also of Ancient Greek origin. Even if we encounter the concept of poetry in Ancient Greece, there has always been poetry in history.

When we look at written sources, we find poems engraved in Egyptian hieroglyphs in the 2500s BC. Sumerians in 2000s BC, Akkadians, Hebrews, Chinese, Arabs, Persians, Turks and many more ancient civilizations in 2300s BC applied to poetry to express their feelings and thoughts.

Types of poetry by subject and their characteristics:

  • Lyrical poetry
  • Pastoral poetry
  • Epic poetry
  • Didactic poetry
  • Satirical poetry
  • Dramatic poetry

Lyrical poetry:

Poems in which emotions and thoughts are told using an enthusiastic language called lyric poetry. Such poems were so named in ancient Greece because they were sung with an instrument called a lyre. Its main purpose is to convey intense emotions to the reader and listener.


Dance in Andalusia
Bell, shawl and rose. All the speed of the dance in this garden…
Andalusia is red three times in the evening of enthusiasm.
The magic song of love is in hundreds of languages ​​
It is on this bell this evening with the joy of Spain.
The sudden turns of the fan,
The overthrow with the work, their coverings…
We don’t want every color, our eyes are now in the shadows.
Spain is in waves this evening in this shawl..
With a ring of ashuffe bangs on her forehead
The most beautiful rose of the gold coin on her chest…
A ring in the middle of a dance stands and plays, as if walking;
He looks like he’s going to die with a turn of his head…
Rose-skinned, charcoal-lipped, charcoal-eyed rubs,
The devil says he should kiss the helix a hundred times.
The dazzling shawl, the enchanting rose
The bell that fills every heart, the “Ole!”
Yahya Kemal Beyatlı

Pastoral poetry:

Pastoral poetry, also called shepherd’s poetry, is a type of poetry that describes natural beauties and rural life. In this type of poetry, a simple narrative comes to the fore. It has two basic forms, the idyll written by a shepherd and the eglog written in the form of conversation.


Shepherd’s Fountain
Rivers cry deep,
Shepherd’s fountain from far away,
O vineyards who can understand the sound of water,
What does it say? water mountain shepherd’s fountain.
“When Goynunu Şirin’s love surrounded
He traveled through the horizons of life,
Shepherd’s fountain started flowing when Ferhat Yarimy
started flowing at that speed…
“Then he used to say that he was over the top,
He carved the marble and pierced the stone.
He gave cold water to how many burnt passengers.
Shepherd’s fountain was worth how many lips.
This is the one that guides the disloyal Asli,
This is the answer to Kerem’s instrument,
This is the one that brings tears to dry eyes…
It hasn’t leaked into the ground shepherd’s fountain.
Leyla became a bride,
In the Majnun tomb,
There is no thirsty traveler in the mountains now,
Looking for a rose reddened by fire,
A shepherd’s fountain from a mobile vineyard to a vineyard,
Neither poet sheds tears, nor lovers cry,
Old loves have become history.
Calls in vain, ages in vain,
Shepherd’s fountain to the left and to the right…
Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel

Epic poetry:

The epic poem, which has an epic narrative and is said to convey intense emotions to the listeners, is derived from the Greek word epope, which means epic. Epic poems generally deal with war stories, heroic stories, and valiant adventures.


Avşar hands got up and migrated,
Hands that go slowly are ours.
Arabian horses draw near,
The roads from the lofty mountain are ours.
Our sword Kirmani is at our waist,
The point of my spear pierces the stone.
The edict of the state about us,
The edict of the sultan, the mountains are ours.
Dadaloğlu’s fight is set up one day,
Öter rifle hoods are shot.
Nice rams are knocked down,
Those who die die, the rest is ours.

Didactic poetry:

Poems written in order to tell the reader and listener about a certain subject and to give advice are called didactic poetry. Since the main purpose of didactic poems, which are also called ta’limî in our literature, is to be instructive, they may be weak in terms of emotion.


Crow and Fox
The crows were placed on a branch;
He had a piece of cheese in his mouth.
Dear fox must have picked up the scent;
He began to tune into her:
“Ooooo! Dear crows, hello!
“How beautiful you are; how cute you are
“Go blind if I lie
“If your voice is like your feathers
“You are considered the sultan of this whole forest.”
Mr. crow is out of his mind;
When he opened his beautiful voice
to show it, he dropped his mouth.
The fox grabbed him and said: “My lord,
I will give you a small lesson;
If there were no bruises, there would be no work for open eyes;
Such a lesson. I think it’s worth a cheese”
The crow is confused, embarrassed and a little late, but
He swore that he would not go wrong.

Satirical poetry:

Poems in which a person, a situation or an event are narrated by the poet in a critical language are called satirical poetry. They have similar features with didactic poems, but satirical poetry has a unique style of expression, as it often criticizes it with a rather sarcastic language.


Don’t be fooled by its color, it is an old destiny
Because the nature of the destiny is a renegade
Either die in the midst of hell, or in the ruins
bay ü gedâ will enter the right together
Take refuge in Allah from the wrath of my person
Because the gentle horse’s pair is very good
It burned many souls that kindly smile
Cute even mean it with a smile
Does the bed never give necabet? No uniform
Zerdüz palan ursan donkey is still a donkey
Bed maye is understandable council-i meyde
Sign graciousness is a testament to appeal
He who does not follow the path of Nush is the only one
The right of those who do not settle with Tekdir is bad
Require hemdemi divaane
Is it mubeşshar with forgiveness, ashab-i meratip?
Kanun-i punishment means incapacity or hass
The masnad-i izzetde serefrâz who steals with millions
A few pennies are a shovel
Faith and religion are white, connoisseurs -ı ginâda
The word “Namus ü hamiyyet” remained in the poor
Ziya Pasha

Dramatic poetry:

In the 19th century The language used in theater plays until before the theaters switched to plain texts is called dramatic poetry. The plays written and staged by Shakespeare are among the most important examples of dramatic poetry.


If I am a people, leşker with captives,
If I destroy, soldiers with armies,
If it were, it would always give me property;
In terms of gender, that power is munker,
Fevkim flies away!
I was known when I was in Âvâze-i dehr,
I saw, not touching the moment, my enîn;
I am in harmony with the nations;
I am kind to a disaster.
Even if it hurts, O God, show me!
I don’t know, do I need moment or glory?
Do you need a gulbun or kehkeşan?
Is Âguuş-u fidelity-insignia necessary?
Do you need a claw-i hun-feşân?
Canan or beautiful, is the world nice-ter?
Abdülhak Hâmit Tarhan

We took a look at its history through the question of what is poetry, which is one of the literary genres that humanity has used most frequently since the day it started to express itself with words, and we explained it with examples by talking about the types of poetry according to their subjects.