Twitter’s Gold Unknown Features

Twitter is one of the most preferred social media platforms today. Although we actively use this social media platform in our daily lives, we overlook many of its features. The platform has many life-enhancing features that are unknown to users.
 Twitter’s Gold Unknown Features
READING NOW Twitter’s Gold Unknown Features

When we think of today’s most popular social media platforms, one of the first things that comes to mind is Twitter. Who doesn’t want to make their work easier and learn new things on such a popular platform, right? Twitter, like other platforms, has many overlooked features. You may know some of these features, but there are many unknown Twitter features that will surprise you throughout the article.

Let’s examine the unknown features of Twitter together to explore these features and reveal the difference in our use of Twitter.

Discover the most popular Tweets from the user you love.

Did you know that you can read the most popular tweets of a Twitter account you love? To use this feature, you can search for popular tweets by typing the parameter from:username min_faves:500 in the search section of Twitter. To perform this search and view popular tweets, type the username of your favorite account in the username field, and the number of favorites you want the tweets to start with in the min_faves part.

This feature, which appeals to curious users, is perhaps one of the most different and least known features that will change your Twitter experience.

But what about reading tweets with specific topics?

Most Twitter accounts send dozens of tweets every day, which makes it difficult to find the desired tweet. How about reading the tweets of the users you follow that contain only certain topics? Thanks to this search, for example, you can read the tweets of Webtekno’s Twitter account about Steve Jobs. With this feature, it will be much easier to reach tweets according to your interests.

To take advantage of this feature, simply type from:username “subject you want to search” in the search field. After searching with this parameter, which has a lot of potential to change your Twitter experience, you will get the results you want.

You can mute certain words, usernames and hashtags and remove them from your life if you wish.

Don’t want to get spoilers about a TV show or movie on Twitter? For this, how about hiding tweets containing the name of that series or movie? If you have a sensitive subject, you can hide its hashtags. In summary, you can hide whatever you don’t want to see among hashtags, tweets and usernames.

To use this useful feature, all you have to do is go to Settings > Privacy & Security on mobile or web Twitter. After logging into this section, you can view the mute options and mute whatever you want to mute.

You can view the tweets you want by moving away from the tweets that do not concern you on the timeline.

Are you exposed to unnecessary tweets in your timeline that don’t concern you? There is an easy way out of this situation; Twitter’s lists feature. Customize and sample the tweets you see in your timeline with this feature. For example, if you’re into golf, add golf-related tweets to your list. This way, you’ll have easy access to golf-related tweets. Additionally, you can follow lists created by other Twitter users.

To create a list, simply enter the lists item in the navigation bar and click create new list. After naming your list and choosing Twitter accounts, you can start reading.

Help visually impaired users by adding alternative texts.

Alt texts feature is perhaps the most important feature of Twitter. The alt texts feature helps you describe what the image in your tweet contains on Twitter, where visual tweets have increased in recent years. In this way, you will make your Twitter account accessible to visually impaired users. When adding alt texts, use as clear language as possible and share the visual objects in your text.

To use this feature, add an image to your tweet and go to the edit section of your image. After going to this section, click on the part that says ALT (Alternative) and make the necessary explanation for your image. We recommend adding alt text to your images often because it’s a useful Twitter feature that will make things easier for many people.

You can save your internet while browsing the app: Data saver

Many of Twitter’s features, such as its auto-pop-up video feature, can be brutal in consuming your cellular data. You may want to minimize consumption while browsing with cellular data in the application. There is something you can do to do this. It is also the data saving feature of the application. With this feature, you can choose whether your videos will play automatically or not, and turn off the preview of images.

To activate this feature, open the Twitter app, tap the account icon, select Settings & Privacy from there. Select Accessibility, Display and Languages ​​and then enter Data Usage. After doing all this, you will see many settings. You can adjust the picture and video part according to you. To disable all these features at once, simply click Data Saver.

Feature at your fingertips: Keyboard shortcuts

Did you know that Twitter offers the possibility to use keyboard shortcuts for its web version? If you don’t know, this feature under your fingertips will help you use Twitter faster. For example, when you press the “g+h” keys in the keyboard shortcuts, you will be teleported to the main page.

To use and explore this feature offered on Twitter Web, all you need to do is to “?” from your keyboard. pressing the key. After pressing this key, you will see the shortcut keys information window. Memorize the location of the keys and use them.

Don’t you want to find your old tweets easily?

Users who have been using Twitter for many years usually have more than 500 tweets. Who will find their oldest tweets out of all the retweets and tweets, right? It’s almost impossible. However, thanks to this advanced search parameter that Twitter offers to its users, you can access the Tweets you have sent between certain years. For example, you can look at Webtekno’s tweets between 2012 and 2014.

To use this advanced search feature, type the parameter until:any date (must be in 2013-03-03 format) since:any date (must be in 2013-03-04 format) parameter in the search field (@username). You can get help from our top image.

How many of these different features of Twitter did you like? Which ones did you hear for the first time?

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