Twitter is working on a new complaint system!

Twitter recently announced that they have made improvements on the complaints system. Users can now submit more detailed complaints.
 Twitter is working on a new complaint system!
READING NOW Twitter is working on a new complaint system!

Twitter made a statement on Tuesday. In this context, he asked users to interpret what they saw in order to simplify the process. He said he then began testing an overhauled complaints system process that allows users to report malicious tweets.

With the new system, Twitter does not directly ask users which rule they violated. Instead, he asks what’s wrong with the tweet. At this point, it relieves users of the burden of interpreting Twitter’s provisions. The social network likened this method to asking the patient where the pain was, rather than asking the doctor if he had a broken leg.

Yassini: Users see the current system as problematic

Renna Al-Yassini, senior Twitter UX manager, explained the feature in a blog post. “What’s frustrating and complicated about reporting is our practice based on terms of service violations as defined by the Twitter Rules. The vast majority of what people report falls under the broad scope of Twitter violations that don’t meet certain criteria. Users report their experiences as problematic at this point. ” said.

Tests coming to wider audience in 2022

Testing of the new complaints system begins with a small group of users in the US. The app came amid rumors that Twitter isn’t doing enough to reduce abusive and hateful content on the platform. The social network reported that they plan to roll out the test to a wider audience in 2022.

Twitter stated that they will focus the reporting process on first-hand information. In addition, he announced that he hopes to improve the quality of the reports he receives. Even if a tweet doesn’t violate Twitter’s rules, the company said the information it collects can help improve the experience on the platform. This application of Twitter followed the change in its private information policy made in November.

What do you guys think about Twitter’s new reporting feature? Will it offer effective use? Do not forget to express your ideas in the comments section!

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