Twitter can be deleted from the App Store! Here’s why

Due to the tension between Elon Musk and the App Store, Twitter may be deleted from the App Store! Here are the details....
 Twitter can be deleted from the App Store!  Here’s why
READING NOW Twitter can be deleted from the App Store! Here’s why

Ever since Twitter was bought by Elon Musk, the waters have been stagnant. Employees and users express that they are quite uncomfortable due to the changes made by the famous business person on the company and the platform. Finally, the tension between Elon Musk and Apple Store manager Phil Schiller drew attention. A former Twitter executive also announced that if Elon Musk continues like this, the app will be kicked out of the App Store! Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

App Store administrator deleted his Twitter account!

Elon Musk often comes up with the statements he made from his social media account. Musk recently shared on his Twitter account that the App Store application fee is quite high. Thereupon, Phil Schiller, who manages the App Store, closed his Twitter account with a high following in response.

Former Head of Security at Twitter, Yoel Roth, announced that Elon Musk will be kicked out of stores if he does not follow Apple and Google guidelines for Twitter, and this will result in disaster. Elon Musk has previously complained about App Store app fees. In this statement, he stated that the fee was 10 times more than it should be, and that they received a hidden tax in this way.

Despite the departure of App Store manager Phil Schiller from the platform, Apple official Twitter accounts and CEO Tim Cook still exist. Twitter and Apple did not make a statement on the subject. Also recently, when Stephan King complained about Twitter Blue’s fee, Elon Musk said they had to pay the bills.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Apple or Google will remove Twitter from stores? You can express your views in the Comments section.

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