Turkish Space Agency announced its 5-year development plan

Turkish Space Agency (TUA) President Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım announced his targets for the period 2022-2026. Here are the details. . .
 Turkish Space Agency announced its 5-year development plan
READING NOW Turkish Space Agency announced its 5-year development plan

Our country, which has set its sights on space, has started its work in this field by establishing an institution called the Turkish Space Agency a while ago. TUA, whose first goal is to go into space and collect samples from the Moon, is currently engaged in research and development.

Turkish Space Agency (TUA) President Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım has announced his Strategic Plan, which includes the basic principles and policies for the 2022-2026 period, medium and long-term goals, performance criteria, strategies to achieve these, and resource allocations.

Turkish Space Agency announced its future plans!

Setting out with the vision of being a pioneer and leading institution that works in accordance with the requirements of the new space age, the Turkish Space Agency has determined 4 goals and 13 targets for its strategic plan. Institution In this direction; prepared responsibilities, performance indicators, risks, strategies, cost needs and needs. Budget talks on the subject are expected to take place in November.

TUA President Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım, in his presentation of the “2022-2026 Strategic Plan”, pointed out that Turkey is a candidate to become an important player in the future with the space industry and its infrastructure, which has gained important capabilities in space activities through communication and earth observation satellites. said:

“In line with the National Technology Move, the strategic goals of the National Space Program, which were determined by our policy that prioritizes locality and nationality in space activities, and announced by our President, were determined as a priority. Within the framework of the task we undertake, we aim to develop the space ecosystem through regulation, certification, capability acquisition, cooperation development, training and social responsibility activities. ”

So what do you think about this subject? Will the Turkish Space Agency be successful in its goals? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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