TRT’s Netflix alternative is catching up next year

Work continues for the international content platform that TRT will bring to Netflix. The platform is expected to be available as early as next year.
 TRT’s Netflix alternative is catching up next year
READING NOW TRT’s Netflix alternative is catching up next year

There is no doubt that the Netflix platform has changed the watching habits all over the world and started a new trend. New generation platforms such as Disney+, Exxen, Gain and platforms such as BluTV or PuhuTV that renew themselves are the products of this trend.

Alternative to Netflix from TRT

The contents of digital platforms, especially Netflix, are criticized from certain aspects. In particular, controversial subjects or scenes that are disconnected from traditions and cultures are frequently discussed on social media. The digital platform project, in which TRT will produce content related to our culture in this respect, has been around for a while.

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TRT General Manager Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zahid Sobacı, in his speech at the International Young Communicators Forum, announced that an alternative international digital platform to Netflix will be launched in 2023. He also stated that a youth platform will be established.

Since Netflix does not have a television channel, it produces and uses original content itself. TRT, on the other hand, is a multi-channel platform and already has countless original content. It is possible to reach them on the TRT Watch platform. How the alternative content platform will differ will be important at this point.

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