If we ask what is the most popular car in our country, most people will say the cars in the Tofaş group. Despite the fact that they came out years ago, both they and their parts are cheap, which directs people to cars like Şahin and Doğan. Of course, there are people who use these cars financially, and there are people who look at the issue in a very different way. This group, which came together under the name of “Tofaş”; Şahin, Doğan and Kartal have established a bond with their vehicles.
Tofaş group cars, which are the general income source of the auto industries in our country, are also among the favorites of tuning artists. Tofaş group cars, which include the vehicles that can be modified most easily due to both being sold cheaper than other cars and the availability of many spare parts, can sometimes come up with quite extraordinary designs. Today, we will look at the extraordinary modifications made to cars such as Şahin and Doğan.
Let’s take a closer look at the modified Tofaş representatives, who have turned into completely different cars from the open-top Şahin to the flattened Doğan.
Unusually modified Tofaş’s
When you look at the car for a while, you feel the urge to play with the antenna…
Did someone say flat car? …
Egyptian toffees who love chocolate…
The open-top Hawk’s air becomes different…
If only the cigarette boxes were the same now this Tofaş maker friend wanted to keep the Marlboro design alive in his car…
Tofaş version of Fast and Furious’s legendary orange Toyota Supra…
The winner of the lowest Tofaş fight for now…