TikTok Admittedly Tagging LGBTQ Individuals

TikTok Admittedly Tagging LGBTQ Individuals

We know that our every move on social media and what content we consume is a valuable data source for companies. Thanks to the advertising models in which this information is used, we see advertisements suitable for our interests. However, according to a confession made about TikTok by its former employees, the data collected about us is not only about habits and behaviors, but also sexual preferences.

According to the Wall Street Journal’s report, TikTok has developed a kind of tagging system to identify which users are LGBTQ individuals. The main reason for concerns about such data retention is; In a possible data leak, the possibility of LGBTQ individuals living in a sexually sensitive society and governed countries at risk.

Many TikTok employees can access the list tagging LGBTQ individuals, while employees in China can edit the list’s permissions:

A TikTok spokesperson, who made a statement to the Wall Street Journal on the subject, acknowledged the existence of such a list, but stated that it was kept up to 1 year ago and deleted 1 year ago. Also making statements about the tensions TikTok is experiencing in the USA, the spokesperson stated that the application does not follow any users, and that the Chinese government never requests information about users.

Based on this report, it is said that US officials will be able to reach concrete evidence to ban the practice. If the USA takes such a decision, the relevant report; It can be referenced by many countries with similar legal standards within the scope of individual rights and freedoms.

TikTok, which changed its algorithm in 2021, announced that it gave up the tagging system that identifies users; it had transitioned to a system where it defined certain sets of content with numbers. On the other hand, this algorithm, which allows users to go viral faster and share more effectively, is seen as the biggest strategic success behind its rapid rise.

While all the developments are taking place, it is known that TikTok supports a campaign called #ThisIsMe to support individual rights and freedoms. If the aforementioned statements are true, TikTok also accepts; There are serious differences between company communication policies and data collection policies.