Threat from TikTok to Facebook: You’ll Get in Trouble

Announcing that it will change its algorithm to resemble TikTok, the answer to Facebook came from a senior TikTok manager. According to the TikTok official, such a thing is not possible because even Facebook and TikTok are not the same.
 Threat from TikTok to Facebook: You’ll Get in Trouble
READING NOW Threat from TikTok to Facebook: You’ll Get in Trouble

In a news we shared with you recently, we mentioned that Facebook will change its algorithm to resemble TikTok and focus on features similar to those in TikTok . Now, there has been a new development on this issue. Blake Chandlee, who was transferred to TikTok after spending 12 years on Facebook, explained in an interview with CNBC why Facebook cannot do such a thing .

According to Blake Chandlee, Facebook is literally a social platform . TikTok is not like that. Expressing that their purpose is only entertainment, the TikTok manager says that all of Facebook’s competence and everything it has done so far is suitable for sociality. So, according to him, it is not even possible for Facebook to try to be like TikTok. Because the two platforms are not in the same lane . ” Facebook is a social platform. They built all their algorithms based on social graphs. This is their core competency. It’s not ours, ” Chandlee said.

“Facebook’s service to users and businesses is not the same as TikTok”

According to the TikTok executive, Facebook will be in serious trouble if it tries to emulate TikTok . Because the service provided by Facebook to both daily users and professional businesses is not comparable to TikTok. Chandlee states that if Facebook is similar to TikTok, it will not be able to meet the needs of both its customers and daily users, which will negatively affect the user experience. ” We are an entertainment platform. This difference is important. It is a huge difference… ” said TikTok manager, saying that Facebook and TikTok do not serve the same purpose.

Blake Chandlee, who transferred to TikTok after spending 12 years on Facebook, does not take the statements very seriously and does not think that Facebook will change its algorithm to resemble TikTok. “ We are really good at what we do. We uncover cultural trends and this unique experience people have on TikTok. Facebook won’t be like us unless it completely strays from its social values, which I don’t think it will. Speaking as “, Chandlee implies that Facebook will have to break away from its essence. However, when we look at the Facebook front, we see that there is an emphasis on determination in the statements made in the past days. We will see together what Facebook’s response to Chandlee will be…

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