This OLED screen fills with water to become a keyboard

OLED screens, which we encounter in many sectors today, manage to stay in the foreground due to the advantages they offer, and manufacturers try to impress consumers by adding different features. Researchers have discovered functionality with interesting technologies.
 This OLED screen fills with water to become a keyboard
READING NOW This OLED screen fills with water to become a keyboard
OLED screens, which we encounter in many sectors today, manage to stay in the foreground due to the advantages they offer, and manufacturers try to impress consumers by adding different features. Researchers are trying to increase functionality with interesting technologies.

OLED screen filled with water

Carnegie Mellon University FIG researchers have developed an OLED display that can fill with water when needed, creating bubble-shaped keys. A special layer called Flat Panel Haptics is integrated under the OLED touchscreen. Integrated electro osmotic pumps – Another technology called EEOP pumps liquid to bubble points when needed.

Thanks to the new technology, characters or shortcuts rise on a screen in the form of bubble keys in accordance with the content. It only takes a second to fill the button, and when the need is over, the water is drawn back into the pump. The height of the button is around 1.5mm.

In addition to the keyboard keys appearing on the screen, Braille alphabet for the visually impaired can also be presented in this way. Of course, we are talking about a technology developed for special purposes, not for widespread use. The team states that the pump assembly has a thickness of around 5mm and does not take up much space in the device.

We saw this kind of technology from Tactus company in 2012, but the project did not last long. The FIG team is constantly improving the project and trying to make it more useful. More advanced versions will appear in the coming years.

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