Mauna Loa volcano has started to roar again 38 years later. The world’s largest non-submerged volcano erupted with lava flowing from Moku’āweoweo (the top caldera) before moving into the Northeast Depression Belt. Mauna Loa is one of the five volcanoes that make up the Island of Hawaii, and although it has not caused any casualties in recent years, it is seen as a major risk to population centers.
The first statement by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said, “On Sunday, November 27, 2022, around 11:30 PM, the Mauna Loa volcano on the island of Hawaii began to erupt.”
Hours later, the description was updated when the eruption moved from Moku’āweoweo to the Northeast Depression Belt. The USGS continued to monitor closely, emphasizing that the lava flow from the fissure, which has since been confirmed, does not endanger any community.
But there are concerns that the wind could bring toxic gases, fine ash and even “Pele’s hair” into areas where people live. Pele’s hair (named after the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele) is a type of volcanic glass usually formed in lava fountains or cascades where lava cools into thin filaments. It is very fragile and very sharp, and small broken pieces can penetrate the skin.
The latest update from the USGS mentions several lava fountains, most of which are several feet tall. The tallest of them can reach a height of 60 meters. Lava flows from the two rifts above are moving downhill. These two flows stopped for the time being, as the lava level in the volcano dropped after the eruption. There is now a runoff from a third crack and more cracks may open, but the eruption appears to be occurring only in the Northeastern part of the volcano.

The USGS said in a statement, “There is no active lava in the Moku’āweoweo caldera and no lava erupting from the Southwest Rift Zone. We do not expect any eruptive activity outside the Northeast Rift Zone. No property is currently at risk. There is a visible gas cloud from erupting fissure fountains and lava flows. and this smoke is primarily moving towards the Northwest,” he said.
Mauna Loa rises to 4,170 meters above sea level, but is higher than Mount Everest given its height from the bottom of the ocean. The second largest volcano by mass and volume, including underwater volcanoes. Tamu Massif takes the first place.
Mauna Loa last erupted for almost a month between March 25 and April 15 in 1984.