Nuclear reactor will be used for hirogen
Unlike traditional nuclear reactors, HTGR is cooled with helium gas instead of water. In this way, it can reach much higher temperatures. Using the high temperature produced by this reactor, JAEA aims to produce hydrogen without carbon release. Traditional reactors reach a temperature of approximately 300 degrees, while HTGs can operate at temperatures exceeding 800 degrees. Nariaki Sakaba, who is responsible for the project, said, uz We hope to be successful in hydrogen production by 2030 and to develop it in a way to be the best technology in the world ”.

The Japan atomic Energy Agency plans to submit its official application for the project to the Japan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) in 2025. If the approval is obtained, the construction of the facility will start in 2026. The first hydrogen production is expected to be realized in 2030.
Long -term targets include commercialization of this technology and widely used in the late 2030s. It is used in many areas such as hydrogen, fuel cell vehicles, steel production and chemical industry. Japan aims to be one of the global pioneers in this field with its investments in hydrogen -based energy systems. Today, hydrogen production is generally performed by methods using fossil fuels. However, these methods cause a high amount of carbon emissions.