The World’s First Doctor-Free, Artificial Intelligence-Supported Clinic “CarePod” Announced [Video]

A US-based company has created artificial intelligence-supported kiosks that make the examination process autonomous. The main aim of the team is to have a person examined and prescribed medication without having to enter the hospital.
 The World’s First Doctor-Free, Artificial Intelligence-Supported Clinic “CarePod” Announced [Video]
READING NOW The World’s First Doctor-Free, Artificial Intelligence-Supported Clinic “CarePod” Announced [Video]

Artificial intelligence technologies, which have recently begun to integrate into almost every part of our lives, have already entered the health sector. In fact, in the past, we have seen that Open AI’s chatbot ChatGPT can be used to diagnose diseases. Now, a similar development has occurred that has the potential to be groundbreaking for the medical world. Forward, a digital health company founded in 2016, has created kiosks that enable people to receive healthcare services.

These kiosks, called CarePod, were designed to be placed in shopping malls. After purchasing a monthly subscription system, people will be able to go to these kiosks and receive health services. According to Forward, artificial intelligence-supported technologies will one day replace doctors’ offices.

So how exactly does CarePod work?

Forward is a company that has established clinics in some parts of the USA since the day it was founded and provides virtual and face-to-face healthcare services to people with a monthly subscription system. CarePod will expand the company’s system. An individual who buys a subscription by paying $99 a month will go to a shopping mall and unlock the CarePod with his smartphone. The user who enters will encounter a series of technologies powered by artificial intelligence.

The systems inside CarePod will enable an individual’s body scanning, blood pressure measurement and blood collection from his finger. The individual, who will be guided by a robotic voice, will complete the preliminary examination process fully autonomously. The findings obtained during the examination will be transmitted to the screens of the doctors in the Forward centers, and this time the interview process will begin with the screen inside the capsule. The doctor will also prescribe the medicine remotely and the treatment process will begin.

Artificial intelligence does not have the authority to prescribe medicine anywhere in the world. As such, CarePod cannot be used fully for its intended purpose, at least for now. Forward founder Adrian Aoun states that their main goal with the technology they developed is to make the examination and medication printing process autonomous. Aoun’s statement is as follows:

Slowly but surely we are moving everything from doctors and nurses to hardware and software. In fact, we don’t even believe a doctor’s office should exist.

Promotional video prepared for CarePod:

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