The World’s Best Guitar Brands and Features

If you are a true guitar lover and have been playing guitar for many years, you already have a favorite brand. However, if you have just started playing the guitar and interested in this instrument, you may be confused about which brand is better. Let's take a closer look at the world's best guitar brands and what makes them so good.
 The World’s Best Guitar Brands and Features
READING NOW The World’s Best Guitar Brands and Features

Many people start playing the guitar as a hobby in their early teens. Some quit after strumming for a while, while others patiently continue to learn and care about this instrument and turn into a true passion. True guitar enthusiasts already have a favorite guitar brand and know the difference with other brands. However, beginners can be a little confused about the characteristics of a good guitar.

Of course, each guitar brand has its own unique features. But there are also the best guitar brands in the world. The Music Critic website has compiled a list of the world’s best guitar brands. For this list, many guitar brands were examined in detail by the experts and the really good ones were selected. Let’s take a closer look at the world’s best guitar brands and what makes them so good.

The world’s best guitar brands:

Paul Reed Smith


The Gibson guitar brand, founded in 1902, is the brand that invented arctop guitars and produced the first hollow-body electric guitars. Gibson, who has always signed innovative works on the guitar, has been the pioneer of many innovations and has been used by bands and artists such as Metallica and Bob Marley.


Founded in 1952, Guild first entered the market by making belt-top jazz guitars. He started making electric guitars in the late 60s, producing guitars for folk and blues in the 1960s. Many names such as Tom Waits and Billy Joe Armstrong used Guild guitars, which left their mark on the 1960s and 1970s.


Seagull, which produces as a sub-brand of Godin guitars, has been producing acoustic and electric acoustic guitars for more than 30 years. The biggest feature of Seagull guitars is their special structure that provides tuning consistency. Its body is not flat-topped, but curved around the sound hole. It has been used by acoustic guitar artists such as Kim Deal and James Blunt.


Yamaha entered the music industry 130 years ago by producing pianos and reed organs for Japanese artists. He started to produce guitars from the 1940s and broke sales records. The biggest feature of the Yamaha brand is that the entry level guitars are affordable and of good quality. There are also masterwork models used by groups such as Duran Duran, Earth Wind and Fire.


Ovation is a new company, but it has taken such important steps in aerodynamics in the acoustic and electric acoustic guitars it produces that it quickly became one of the best in the world. Multiple sound holes in Ovation guitars, which have a much more composite body structure, brought acoustic performance to a completely different point.


Although Washburn was a brand established in the 1880s, in the early years it only did privatization and repairs. The dreadnought designs they made in the following years, consisting entirely of wood construction, made them stand out especially among acoustic bass guitars.


Fender has been producing guitars for many years and is extremely popular in this world. Even though there are a few badly remembered models, today it is one of the first brands that come to mind when talking about guitar. Used by names like Buddy Holly and Jimi Hendrix, Fender guitars smell like nostalgia and authentic rock.


Epiphone, which has been on the market for more than 140 years, originally produced lute and violin. After starting to make guitars, it first became Gibson’s biggest competitor and later its sub-brand. Almost every model they have produced has received positive reviews and has therefore managed to become arguably one of the best guitar brands in the world.


The Electric Sound Products brand, known as ESP for short, is a Japan-based company, but thanks to its second headquarters in California, it started to make a name for itself and made special guitars for New York artists. It has been used by names such as George Lynch, James Hetfield.


Although its establishment is much older, Gretsch, who started guitar production in the 1930s, became popular in the 1950s. In the period when television broadcasts increased, thanks to the use of Gretsch guitars by names such as Eddie Cochran and Elvis Presley, rock n roll became an inseparable whole with the models of the brand.


The Ibanez brand, which has been on the market for many years; With more than 130 acoustic, more than 300 electric and approximately 160 bass guitar models, it is one of the brands that produces the most. The brand, which also produces Latin-style acoustic guitars under the name of Ibanez Salvador, is considered the heart of the instrument industry.

Paul Reed Smith:

The Paul Reed Smith brand, which is a product of the journey of Luthier Paul Reed Smith that started by making handmade guitars during his university years, made its name with Carlos Santana. Even today, some guitar models of Paul Reed Smith, who produce using special maples, are handmade.


Martin is one of the oldest brands in the guitar world and has produced countless different models. The first brand that comes to mind when it comes to acoustic and electro-acoustic, Martin stands out with its entry-level guitars. Despite being a beginner, Martin guitars have both great sonic performance and long-term use. Of course, there are also models used by names like Elvis Presley.


Manufacturing for over 40 years, Taylor is the number one acoustic guitar brand in the United States. Having her own design concepts, Taylor was the pioneer of many innovative features. It attracts attention especially with its affordable beginner guitars.


A complete expert on steel string guitars, Rickenbacker created many different models when he entered the rock n roll scene in the 1950s. After John Lennon took the stage with the Rickenbacker Capri model, the irresistible rise of the brand began. With the use of Rickenbacker by bands and artists such as Paul McCartney and the Sex Pistols, an inseparable link was established between rock music and the brand.

By listing the best guitar brands in the world, we briefly talked about the features that make them so good. Of course, this list could have been much longer. You can share your favorite guitar brand and model that you want to be on our list in the comments.

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