The US is testing its nuclear weapons here

The US is testing its nuclear weapons here

New photos of Frenchman Flat in Nevada, where America’s nuclear trials have been conducted for a long time, have been published. This dry lake bed was about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas and has been hosting American nuclear weapons trial work since the 1950s.

Frenchman Flat is slightly more than a hidden nuclear laboratory. For example, the American bombardment planes had thrown a MK-6D nuclear bomb from 19,000 fits above the desert to trial. The bomb then exploded with a 27 kiloton TNT power, and created a shock wave that destroyed several civil infrastructure in the region.

Millions of years of radiation pollution

Since then, this desert area and its hidden underground facilities have continued to be one of the most used test places for American nuclear activities. Although most of the tested nuclear weapons are underground tests, the damage can still be seen along the desert. The sedan crater left behind by a 100 kilotone thermonuclear explosion attracts attention with its huge dimension.

A new view of this region and relevant facilities was recently published by NPR, who found the chance to visit Frenchman Flat in Nevada.

Until the day the world left nuclear tests and even banned, this desert was known as the most exposed place to the world’s nuclear explosion. We hope that it does not need to be used any more after that …