The Story of China’s Lion City Submerged

According to many sources, humanity has been living on the blue planet for 300,000 years. In these 300 thousand years, there are cities that have disappeared as well as people who lost their lives. And cities that cannot disappear like Aslan City...
 The Story of China’s Lion City Submerged
READING NOW The Story of China’s Lion City Submerged

Throughout human history, there are many cities that have been removed to the dusty shelves of history by human or natural means, but there are some cities among these cities that can exist forever.

Earlier, we told you about Port Royal, which defies the years, and the story of Port Royal. Today, we’re going to talk about the Lion City, which has been strangely untouched for almost 1400 years. If you are ready, put on your diving equipment; we’re diving in!

Lion City in the Imperial Period and its geographical location

  • Qiandao

Lion City on the map; Lion City, China’s Atlantis, Qiandao or Shi Cheng… How to put it; all doors lead to the flooded city in the Shi Cheng district of Zhejiang city in eastern China.

It is estimated that Lion City was largely built 1400 years ago during the Han and Tang Dynasties Period. One of the most interesting points is how this magnificent city, which was built in 621 BC, survived to the present day without being spoiled despite being under water.

Another living place sacrificed to HEPPs

  • Qiandao Lake

Lion City is under water We talked about a place to stay. You may have thought that this situation may have occurred as a result of a tsunami or flood, but the inside of the event is not like that at all.

As part of the hydroelectric power plant project to be built in the region in 1959, Aslan Şehir was intentionally flooded. We do not know how the Chinese Government of the period could decide to flood a historical region, but in all sources it is stated that the Lion City was deliberately flooded as part of the project.

What happened after Aslan City was flooded

  • A bird’s eye view of Aslan City

Aslan City was flooded within the scope of the project; With it, more than 1300 villages were destroyed and more than 290 thousand people were forced to leave their settlements.

While an area the size of 62 football fields (573 km) was flooded; both nature, history and people have undoubtedly suffered.

The detail that distinguishes Aslan City from other sunken cities

You may have read sunken city stories many times from various sources, this is very normal. The detail that makes Aslan Şehir’s story different is; The fact that the city, which was built 1400 years ago, survived even after it was flooded.

Lion City, also known as Atlantis of China; Undoubtedly he deserves this praise. Visitors who see Aslan City; they can suddenly feel like they are in the imperial palace.

The name of Aslan City and its importance for the region

Aslan City takes its name from the Beş Aslan Mountains because it is adjacent to the Beş Aslan Mountains. Aslan Şehir, which served as the capital of the region in the fields of economy and politics many times in the historical process, was the shining star of its region for a long time.

The huge lake that formed after the city was flooded was named Qiandao Lake. After this painful event, although the mistake was noticed and tried to correct the mistake, all efforts were unsuccessful. In fact, the Lion City could not be found in this huge lake. The Lion City, which could not be found, was forgotten over time.

Aslan Şehir returned with the personal success of a group of young people

In 2001, Aslan Şehir was found with the individual success of a group of young diving enthusiasts. Lion City, which is located 40 meters under the water in Qiandao Lake, which is made up of many large and small islets, surprised everyone because there was almost not the slightest loss in Lion City.

Houses, temples, roads, works of art built 1400 years ago were almost intact and almost defiantly awaited the diving team under the water of meters deep.

Aslan City was brought into tourism by the state

With the discovery of Aslan Şehir, necessary studies were carried out in the region by the state, and the region became a tourist destination in 2014 to serve diving enthusiasts. started to provide service.

Despite all the work done for 13 years, the region could not be mapped properly. Therefore, only some parts of Aslan City could be opened to visitors for security reasons.

If you want to see Aslan City a little closer…

If you want to see a little more detail about the legendary Aslan City; The shots taken by Carolyn Wang, who is interested in diving, are the kind that will satisfy your curiosity. You can find other frames captured in Aslan City by Wang, who also provided us with the other images we used in the content, below.

It can be seen that the magnificent motifs of Chinese Mythology and culture have survived to the present day:

Some plants have begun to grow between the walls and a new living life has now emerged in Aslan City.

It amazes those who see that even the structures built 1400 years ago are almost intact despite all that has happened:

The reliefs and symbols on the buildings are as clear and vivid as the first day:

As we come to the end of our journey to Aslan City…

Aslan City, unlike many historical cities, is a city with 5 gates, not 4 doors. Even this detail alone arouses great curiosity in people. We think that Aslan City does not need to mention that it has brought a very serious amount of money to China in terms of tourism. What do you think about Aslan City? What do you think could be the secret of Aslan City still standing tall today? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

References: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5* / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 /

*We appreciate the Mrs. Wang for her contributions to this subject. / Thanks to Carolyn Wang for her contribution…

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