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The scary face of working from home: This is what people will look like in 2100 if working from home continues

Swollen eyes, a hunched back, and claw-like hands: A new study has revealed what remote workers will look like 70 years from now, and the result isn't looking good at all.
 The scary face of working from home: This is what people will look like in 2100 if working from home continues
READING NOW The scary face of working from home: This is what people will look like in 2100 if working from home continues

While working from home was once a rarity, it has become the norm for millions of people in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. But a grotesque model may make you want to go back to the office.

Furniture At Work has revealed what home workers can look like in 2100, and it’s not a pretty sight. The model they named Anna has hunched, dark, swollen eyes and claw-like hands as a result of working from home.

The company noted that in addition to showing many physical effects from Anna’s continued use of technology, screen exposure and poor posture, she also pointed out potential mental health issues.

Based on the findings, health experts state that those working from home should take precautions to stay healthy. Brian Clark, Founder of United Medical Education, says remote workers should take regular breaks to stretch and move their bodies to help avoid back and neck pain.

Sarah Gibson, director of Proactive Healthcare, recommends following the ’20-20-20′ rule. According to this rule, you have to look away from your screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes and focus on something 20 meters away.

Also, if you regularly work from home, it is recommended to set up a dedicated workspace.

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