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The real flying car makes its first flight: It can travel both on land and in the air

China-based Xpeng introduced the flying car project last week and shared render images. Now, the images of the first flight of the vehicle have been published. The flying car is still in the prototype stage, but it is very close to the mass production version of the vehicle.
 The real flying car makes its first flight: It can travel both on land and in the air
READING NOW The real flying car makes its first flight: It can travel both on land and in the air
China-based Xpeng introduced the flying car project last week and shared render images. Now, the images of the first flight of the vehicle have been published. The flying car is still in the prototype stage, but it is claimed to be very close to the mass production version of the vehicle.

We always saw the flying car as big drones that could carry people. However, the difference of Xpeng AeroHT is that it can also travel on land. There are propellers on the roof of the vehicle that allow it to fly. On the ground, these propellers fold up and disappear into the large luggage compartment in the roof.

Propeller failure simulated

The test video shows that the car is indeed lift and maneuverable (at 1:11:37 in the video). In the meantime, let’s mention that the Xpeng AeroHT has a reasonable weight of 2 tons, which can be compared to the Volkswagen Touareg. And of course we are talking about an electric car.

The vehicle is controlled by a joystick during flight. During the tests, the experts simulated the failure of one or more propellers and the design proved to be safe. All the features of Xpeng AeroHT have not been announced yet, for now the main disadvantage is stated to be low flight time.
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