The Price of Bus Tickets Has Arrived at the Prices of Airplane Tickets

The Price of Bus Tickets Has Arrived at the Prices of Airplane Tickets

The bad course in the economy has deeply injured every sector. The increasing prices in every field from food to electronics naturally hit transportation as well. The doubled bus prices have pushed even preferred buses into the background, as they were affordable in previous times. The data show that the number of citizens who prefer the bus has decreased by 2/3. People prefer airplanes for intercity travel.

According to the statements of Mustafa Yıldırım, President of the ALL Bus Drivers’ Federation (TOF), there is a big problem during this holiday period compared to the previous holiday. As a matter of fact, the increase in the prices of bus tickets by 80 percent in 3 months caused the citizens to turn to planes. Rising bus prices approach the prices of air tickets in many places, while in some places, planes can be boarded cheaper than buses.

The cheapest transportation is by train

In his statements, TOF President Yıldırım, who complained about the prices, said, “300-350 liras for 500 kilometers, 450-500 liras for thousand kilometers. “In some lines, the plane is cheaper than the bus. The price of the bus and the plane is very close to each other. Citizens prefer the plane. Train is 120 lira. Nowhere in the world is high-speed rail operation this cheap.” He expressed the problem of ticket prices with his words.

President of the Federation, who said that there is a big problem compared to the previous holidays, announced that the number of citizens who prefer the bus decreased by 2/3.

“Compared to the holidays of the past years, we are going through a very troublesome process. The number of passengers decreased by 2/3. In the past, the buses were full for 1 week, there was no place, additional flights were opened, but there is no such situation at the moment. by comparison, it wasn’t that bad even during the pandemic process. Only the 28th and 29th have a 2-day occupancy. Apart from that, we will wait for their return, it will be crowded for 2 days.”

People Don’t Even Go On Vacation

Stating that they cannot earn money when less than 35-40 citizens are not on a bus, Yıldırım said that people do not even go on a vacation, and that this is the first time they have encountered such a scene.

“People used to go on vacation to their hometowns, they used to go to holiday destinations, there is very little demand at the moment. We are experiencing such a troublesome holiday for the first time. Buses lie in the parks, we do not have the case to open additional flights. In the last 3 months, 80 percent of ticket prices “There has been an increase close to ‘. Even this does not save, because there is only a fuel cost of about 15 thousand liras for a thousand kilometers from here. There is no chance of making money unless we put at least 35-40 people on a bus”