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The Pollock Twins, One of the Greatest Evidence of Reincarnation

John and Florence Pollock lost both of their daughters in a disastrous car accident in 1957. After mourning her daughters who were brutally murdered, Florence became pregnant again. However, the couple was unaware that their newborn twins could be reincarnations of their deceased daughter.
 The Pollock Twins, One of the Greatest Evidence of Reincarnation
READING NOW The Pollock Twins, One of the Greatest Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation means the resurrection of the same soul in different bodies. According to this concept, which is mostly believed by spiritualists, it is possible to revive the same consciousness and personality in a different body after death.

Reincarnation is not accepted in most religions such as Islam. Since it is against religion, this concept has led to many discussions until today, and it has never gone beyond belief because scientific evidence has never been found. However, an event that took place in the USA Texas in the 1950s is considered to be one of the greatest proofs of reincarnation to date. Let’s take a closer look at the story of the Pollock twins, who shocked the whole world.

The Pollock twins died tragically in 1957. .

Everything was running smoothly for the Pollock family until May 5, 1957. That day, 11-year-old Joanna and her 6-year-old sister, Jacqueline, were walking to the church in Hexham, where they lived with their friend Anthony. A woman, who was later learned to be a neurotic, drove the car into these three young children, causing them to die tragically.

The details about this accident, which killed Joanna and Jacqueline at the scene and Anthony in the ambulance, were stunning. It turned out that the woman who made the accident was forcibly taken away from her children, therefore she used a lot of antidepressants and killed the children on purpose.

John and Florence Pollock devastated after their daughter’s deaths

Joanne and Jacqueline Pollock

As you can imagine, the death of Joanna and Jacqueline left the Pollock family in deep grief. Having lost their twins, John and Florence wanted to have children again after a few years, and Florence soon found out that she was pregnant.

Florence’s getting pregnant again caused some problems in the family. Although a deeply devout Catholic, John believed that Florence was pregnant with twin girls, who would be reincarnations of Joanna and Jacqueline. Florence, on the other hand, refused what John said, with the doctor’s prediction of “one birth”, and the situation became so serious that the couple filed for divorce.

The couple, who put their relationship back on track in a short time, had twin daughters, just as John had predicted. These babies, which they named Gillian and Jennifer, had some interesting details.

Jennifer had a birthmark on her left hip that Jacqueline had in the same place, and the baby bore another birthmark very similar to the scar on Jacqueline’s face in the accident.

It all gets weirder when the family moves back to Hexham

Gillian and Jennifer Pollock

The couple had moved from Hexham to Whitley Bay when Florence was 3 months pregnant. However, not wanting their daughter to grow up in a small town after the birth, Florence and John decided to return to Hexham, where they lost their previous daughter.

Things got even weirder after returning to Hexham. Gillian and Jennifer knew every little detail about this place when they came to Hexham at age 4. They could point to places such as the convent, the park where Joanne and Jacqueline played before they died, the school they attended, and tell them where they were.

It was impossible for the two girls to know these details, but they managed to amaze the couple John and Florence with the things they told every day. The most interesting of these events was that the twin brothers even knew the names of the deceased older sisters’ toys.

Meanwhile, John kept saying that Gillian and Jennifer were reincarnations of their deceased daughter, just like during pregnancy. The fact that the girls knew so many details strengthened John’s claims, but Florence never accepted this possibility.

Gillian and Jennifer became incredibly afraid of cars as they got older

Photo is representative

As you may recall, Joanne and Jacqueline died as a result of a catastrophic car accident. Oddly enough, Gillian and Jennifer couldn’t get close to cars as they got older.

Florence once said that the girls were quietly approaching their playroom, and Gillian pointed to the scar on Jennifer’s face, “Blood is coming from her eyes. That’s where the car hit you.”

When someone started the car engine on the street, both girls hugged each other and started to cry with fear, they would start shouting “The car is coming to get us” in horror.

Young girls are completely back to normal after the age of 5

The Pollock family witnessed really strange events until their daughter was 5 years old. Although Florence denied it, many in both John and Hexway believed that Gillian and Jennifer were indeed reincarnations of their deceased older sister.

Although many experts talk to the girls on this subject, as you can imagine, the truth never came out. After all, the girls stopped behaving strangely after they were 5 years old, and the details of their deceased older sister were gradually erased from their memories.

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