The most searched car brand on Google has been announced!

According to the research conducted by the data comparison agency, the most searched car brand on Google has been determined.
 The most searched car brand on Google has been announced!
READING NOW The most searched car brand on Google has been announced!

Recently, the automotive world has undergone a change. Internal combustion vehicles are gradually leaving their popularity to electric vehicles. So much so that the whole world is following this change closely. The electric car world, which reached a large audience compared to a few years ago, shows how popular the interest is in Google searches.

Tesla was the most sought-after automobile company in 2021

2021 was a very busy year for Tesla company, where Elon Musk is the CEO. The company, which remained on the agenda throughout the year, was the subject of the news, sometimes with its successes and sometimes with its scandalous mistakes. On the other hand, the increasing popularity of Elon Musk and the rush of electric vehicles in the automotive world kept Tesla company on the agenda. All these elements have made the company one of the most popular elements of the internet world.

Data comparison agency has ranked the most searched cars on Google in the past year. According to the research, Tesla revealed its rising graph. The brand became the most popular name in the automobile world with more than 11 million searches. Volkswagen and Toyota took the 2nd and 3rd places with the number of searches around 9 million.

20 most searched automobile brands and search numbers

Brand nation Global Annual Call
1. tesla America 11.100.000
2. Volkswagen Germany 9.140.000
3. toyota Japan 9.140,000
4. BMW Germany 7,480,000
5. modern South Korea 7,480,000
6. audi Germany 6.120,000
7. Honda Japan 6.120,000
8. Ford America 6.120,000
9. porsche Germany 5.000.000
10. Lamborghini Italy 5.000.000
11. kia South Korea 5,000,000
12. Renault France 4,090,000
13. peugeot France 4,090,000
14. nissan Japan 4,090,000
15. cip America 4,090,000
16. Benz Germany 3.350,000
17. Ferrari Italy 3.350,000
18. Mazda Japan 3.350,000
19. Chevrolet America 3.350,000
20. Skoda Czech Republic 2.740.000

Tesla, electric cars (EV) promise It stands out as the most popular automobile brand by far. Many companies place a high value on the EV world. Almost every brand has started the series of electric vehicles. In fact, some brands have announced that they will start producing only electric cars in a planned manner. This leadership of Tesla on the wanted list also showcases the EV transformation process.

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