The Most Powerful Marvel Characters

Since its founding in 1939, Marvel has appeared with hundreds of different superheroes. Many of these heroes were presented to readers and viewers with different and unique features. Of course, although the universe of cartoons and cinema shows many characters, the comic book universe, which is the original of the characters, contains much more than that.
 The Most Powerful Marvel Characters
READING NOW The Most Powerful Marvel Characters

Marvel has started to make a heavy presence in the cinema and TV series over the last few years. Especially with the introduction of new characters, he started to introduce many popular characters, which will be known by those who read comics, with movies and TV series. Of course, adding new characters and stories to the universe is nice and allows the universe to expand, but it can be a very confusing scenario for those who are far from these events. Nevertheless, Marvel’s combination of scenarios and characters from the universe of cinema and TV series under the same roof is a very successful and intriguing situation.

But have you ever thought about the balance of power between these characters? There are so many Marvel characters that we can’t finish when you try to count them. Of course, there has to be a balance of power between them. The Marvel cinematic universe has yet to show characters that possess cosmic or divine-level powers compared to the comics. We can say that we are still far from the subject, even though we have been slowly getting into these events with the multiverse theme recently. That’s why we decided to limit the theme to the strongest Marvel characters in the comics.

Marvel’s strongest characters:

Phoenix Force
Franklin Richards
One Below All

Also known as Emperor: Vulcan

Vulcan, a character emerging from among the mutants, might be a character we would see if the X-Men movies had reached a certain popularity. Having attained the highest possible states of a mutant, Vulcan is able to manipulate and use all kinds of energies, including magic. He was once also known as the Emperor of the Shi’ar dynasty, and according to the comics he can control 7 different elements: fire, earth, electricity, wind, water, light and darkness.

From the Hulk family: Skaar

Our green friend is not the only one of its kind in the universe. We should not be surprised by this. In an alternate universe, there is a scenario in which the Hulk has a child. This boy’s name is Skaar and he is known throughout the universe for being stronger than the Hulk. Even an unstoppable character like Juggernaut is known to have a superior ability than Wolverine in terms of durability and healing factor, as if it were not enough to break his armor and throw himself out of the atmosphere.

King of Asgard: Odin

King of Asgard, known as All Father (father of all), Odin is a much more powerful character than is known in cinematic universes. So much so that he was a king known for conquering every place he went for a long time. It is a fact that both Hela and Odin were defeated in the movie Thor: Ragnarok. Because Odin is a king who can manipulate magic and is nicknamed the most powerful Asgardian known for being immortal.

From Greek mythology: Hercules

Hercules, the son of Zeus in mythology, really resides in the Marvel universe. Over 3000 years old, Hercules is considered the physically strongest character in the entire Marvel universe. He is known to be superior to the Hulk and Thor in strength and pulled the entire island of Manhattan, weighing 99,000,000 tons. Besides his physical strength, Hercules can also survive in space unaided.

An Immortal being: Grandmaster

Grandmaster is a character that indicates that things are starting to break down in the balance of power. Grandmaster, who has supernatural abilities, also has a nice ability to resurrect the dead. Continuing his life in the universe as an ancient being, the Grandmaster is also known for being very strong, very intelligent and eternal.

Planet eater for breakfast: Galactus

Galactus, nicknamed Devourer of the worlds, has unlimited cosmic power and knowledge. Galactus has a rather interesting talent for imagery. Anyone who looks at Galactus sees Galactus as a being of his own kind. Just his nickname is enough to understand how powerful Galactus is.

Able to take any form: Magus

Magus is a character capable of defying Galactus. Magus, who can take on almost any substance, size, shape and color that exists, is a very sneaky character. Shape-shifting is child’s play for him. Not to mention that he is immortal and can teleport as he pleases. But his powers can vary depending on the form he wears. The fact that he can split a star in his strongest form is proof of how powerful he can be.

From Japanese mythology: Amatsu-Mikaboshi

It’s interesting that Marvel made a character inspired by Japanese mythology. But this should not be surprising. Because Mikaboshi is a very powerful and threatening being in the universe as the god of evil and chaos. Known for having incredible powers, Mikaboshi’s powers include immortality, reality manipulation, super strength, stealth, shapeshifting, etc. There are many powerful abilities. Considering his features and nickname, he is undoubtedly one of Marvel’s most dangerous characters.

Source of magic: Cyttorak

One of the most well-known characters, Dr. Cyttorak, the source of the magic of many wizards such as Strange, is a very cosmic being as you can imagine. Cyttorak, who is the god of magic as well as being a cosmic being, is known as the most powerful magical being in the Marvel universe. He dominates everything in his own living habitat, the Crimson Cosmos, and is considered its sole master.

Universal power: Phoenix Force

Phoenix Force, which we are very familiar with from some movies and comics of X-Men, is known for its ability to absorb all existing energies. It is a cosmic being. The Phoenix Force, which can absorb everything from the life of a living thing to the energy of the sun, was even able to defeat Galactus alone. If it can be controlled, the Phoenix Force, which provides great powers to its owner, is also known for making the body it shelters insane.

Little fantasy: Franklin Richards

Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue Richards (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible woman) of the Fantastic Four one of the most powerful mutants. He owes this nickname to his ability to manipulate reality and control the fundamental forces of the universe. Although he is one of the most powerful mutants, he tops this list. Even at a very young age, he accidentally created a small universe for himself, which made the subject a little clearer.

Lord of Time: Eternity

Eternity and Infinity, two inseparable cosmic abstract entities, are actually brothers. Known as the incarnation of time, this cosmic entity has unlimited power in reality. They can manipulate, control and change everything that exists. Even with this feature alone, it qualifies what an absurd power and feature this divine and cosmic entity has in the universe.

Not included in multiverses: Beyonder

Beyonder is undoubtedly one of Marvel’s most interesting characters. Because, unlike all the characters on the list, he is not in the multiverse. Instead, he comes from a dimension outside the multiverse. Omnipotence and omnipotence are just a few of the Beyonder’s main features. Just because he was bored, he made all the heroes and villains in the world fight each other and watched this with pleasure.

The rage of the entire multiverse: One Below All

The One Below All, which owes its existence to recent times in the universe, is a character that appeared in 2018. The representation of all the rage and hatred in the multiverses, The One Below All, while not having a mindset, also tries to be everything that exists. The only thing that stops him from destroying entire universes is that the supreme power, The One Above All, closes itself to the very bottom of reality.

Marvel creator: One-Above-All

Marvel’s arguably most powerful character is the long-held One Above All. Believed to be the creator of Marvel, One Above All is a rather mysterious character that we know little about. One of the things that is known is that he is above everything, he knows everything, he is everywhere and he is omnipotent. It wouldn’t be wrong if we simply call it Marvel’s god directly.

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