The man who changed the age of technology: Steve Jobs

Who is Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, who radically changed our lives and the history of technology? Everything except the known is in this article..
 The man who changed the age of technology: Steve Jobs
READING NOW The man who changed the age of technology: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, as we all know; The founder of Apple and the man who rewrote the history of technology. But he is by no means an ordinary person. Neither with his life, nor with his family structure, nor with his character. One of the most extraordinary and toughest men in the history of technology.

Born on February 24, 1955, to a Syrian Muslim father and a Swiss mother, Jobs was adopted into a Californian family. Bored with his university adventure in the first six months, Jobs left the university because he did not want his family to waste their savings.

Why is Steve Jobs important about the tech guru who started his life with one of the worst misfortunes that can ever happen to a human being? We will find the answer to this question in this article.

The man who changed the age of technology: Steven Paul Jobs

Jobs, who was very different from his peers even during his university years, left school, discovering that what was taught at school was not suitable for him, but that he needed to produce something instead.

Although Jobs was interested in engineering, his youthful passions were changing. After leaving Reed College, he was hired in 1974 to do video game design at Atari Corporation. For Jobs, the then CEO of Atari; “Steve has been outside of our meetings for a while. He seemed to be having fun. After attending meetings for about 6 months, he came into my room one day and said, “You have to hire me because Atari is nothing without me. “I’m not leaving here without a job,” he said. He looked very determined and persuasive. He finally achieved his goal and we hired him.” had made a statement.

Steve Jobs had accumulated enough savings to go to India and discover Buddhism during his Atari adventure. He returned to Silicon Valley after his India adventure. Upon his return, he reconnected with his school friend and Steve Wozniak “Woz” who was then working at Hewlett-Packard. The duo managed to give the sound of 2600 Hz, which is the control frequency of long distance calls by AT&T by making minor changes on the whistles coming out of Cap’n Crunch sold in the USA. In a short time, Jobs and Wozniak got into business in 1974 and started to produce “blue boxes” to make expensive long distance calls for free. In this way, the duo made their names known for the first time.

Woz told Steve about the progress he had made in designing the logic board he had developed. Learning that this design was rejected by HP, Jobs suggested doing business with his school friend.

Known as Steve Jobs’ influence method, the “reality distortion field” worked on Steve Wozniak, and the duo took the first step towards establishing a company. The company required capital, and Steve started working in his family’s garage with the money he made by selling his sole assets, the Volkswagen van and Woz’s programmable calculator.

Ultimately, Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit. Woz produced the kits himself, and the Apple I debuted at the Homebrew Computer Club.

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