Coin Kickoff, which publishes guides on cryptocurrencies, lists the altcoin projects that cause the most stress.
Which country’s altcoin investors are most stressed about?
According to the research conducted by Coin Kickoff on Twitter hashtags, the United Arab Emirates has emerged as the most stressful country. 30% of crypto investors in this region tweet with stressful emotions. In the US region, the most stressful states were New Mexico (33.1%), Vermont (30.4%), and Wyoming (29.9%). 30.7% of investors in Amsterdam have negative feelings about the performance of cryptos. Countries with high levels of stress include Warsaw (29.8%) and Cairo (29.4%).

Countries most stressed about FTX bankruptcy
The leading cryptocurrency exchange was valued at $32 billion at its peak. It was wiped from the market in just seven days after what happened in November 2022. Reports estimate over a billion dollars in funds trapped in the stock market. This means thousands of aggrieved investors from all over the world. Coin Kickoff, the countries that are most stressed about this are as follows:

The most stressful altcoin projects
As a result of FTX’s bankruptcy, the exchange’s own token, FTT, and its reserve asset Solana have drastically depreciated. Coin Kickoff’s research confirms that this is causing stress among investors. 37.99% of the investors, who saw that the token melted over 90% in a short time, tweeted that they declared this. Tether (35.92%) and Bitcoin (34.80%) were the top three cryptocurrencies. The list and percentages are as follows: