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The laws of physics all over again! Does the universe have artificial intelligence?

All we know about the universe and the laws of physics could change, according to a new theory. But does the universe have artificial intelligence?
 The laws of physics all over again! Does the universe have artificial intelligence?
READING NOW The laws of physics all over again! Does the universe have artificial intelligence?

The laws of physics have come to the present day with a great scientific knowledge that started with Newton and has become much more complex today. However, there is a possibility that all the laws of physics we know may fail. According to the new theory put forward by scientists, the laws of physics prevailing in the universe are subject to change.

Is the universe learning new physics laws with its artificial intelligence?

Although humanity has much deeper knowledge about space than a century ago, what we know yet is no more than a drop of water in the ocean. This obscurity of the universe makes the theorems even more interesting. Accordingly, according to a newly proposed theory, it is stated that the valid physical laws in the universe can change.

A group of physicists claimed that there is a valid algorithm in the universe. According to this theory, it is thought that the universe adapts to the conditions of time and that different laws apply in each period. In other words, there is a possibility that the fundamental laws of physics, which we call Newtonian physics, were valid in a very early period of the universe.

According to many physicists, the universe was formed by the Big Bang.

However, one of the most interesting points of the theorem is the claim that the universe has the ability to learn new laws as well as adapt. In short, the defenders of the theorem put forward a kind of artificial intelligence claim for the universe. For now, this part of the theorem is not included in the article. Janna Levin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University, said in a statement:

“If the universe can do computation with a certain set of algorithms, then maybe it can do the same thing we see in artificial intelligence, where you have self-learning systems that teach themselves new rules. And by rules, we mean the laws of physics in cosmology. ”

Judging by this explanation, the defenders of the theorem talk about the formation of a universe almost similar to artificial intelligence. According to the theory, the universe consists of a giant algorithm that constantly improves itself, learns new laws and adapts itself to these laws.

At the moment, humanity does not have a grasp of the laws of physics valid in the universe. Fundamental questions such as how the universe formed and whether it continues to grow have yet to be answered. It remains to be seen whether this theory can answer these fundamental questions.

The theory has not yet been published in scientific journals. However, the first article on the theory was written. Scientists defending the theory, on the other hand, describe this article as a baby step for the theory. You can find the article in question here.

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